Wad's not loading


Still Fresh
Jul 24, 2003
i have a small problem with doomV8, i have loaded doom.wad doom2.wad and doom1.wad into the game\doom DIR but the only one that works is the shareware wad (doom1.wad) all i get on the others is a white screen with loading in the bottom right corner and the title music playing happily in the background, the shareware one works a treat, any help would be great! thanx in advance, C17 :(
i have this problem with my 128mb samsung card....
but it works fine on my 64mb one...
don't know if this is any help
I seen to get the same problem, Shareware doom loads but the others seem to hang during loading.
Does it work if you only have the desired .wad in the directory? I've only ever had the one wad in the directory (Doom Commercial) and that's been fine. Maybe Doom is misreading the others as pwads and screwing itself right up.
ColinR posted on Aug 19 2003 said:
Does it work if you only have the desired .wad in the directory? I've only ever had the one wad in the directory (Doom Commercial) and that's been fine. Maybe Doom is misreading the others as pwads and screwing itself right up.
Why does Shareware Doom work then?

I think I´ll try it though.
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The point I was making was that having multiple wads in there (as opposed to just one). Try it with just Commercial Doom in there. If it works, bin Shareware. Then when you finish Commercial Doom, bin it and copy Doom2 in there. One wad at a time, my friend.

Try lowering the speed perhaps? Oops, can't be done yet! :D Is it possible the high temperatures generated by running at 132MHz are affecting your batteries? My GP32 gets very hot, and batteries aren't supposed to be used outside of certain temperature ranges (life is reduced and the battery permanently damaged at low temps; not sure about high temps).
I have this problem too on my 128MB card.

Running at all the default settings with v8 and v9 and no luck. Shareware works fine, but not Doom2.wad or Plutonia.wad

Any ideas?
