w00t gp32 .............:S


Still Fresh
Apr 30, 2003
hi all, let me just say hi :P

rite, im a big nintedo fan and have all of their consoles. I also like sega and have a mega drive and dc, im also getting an xbox now. I love my game boys but i wanted something else............so my friend recommended the gp32, but since im a n00b im pretty much lost :(

im getting mine from play-asia for £130 with the light..........but he games are in korean

now im sure there is away around it and im sur you guys are willing to help :D

also could you tell me some basic things i should do with my gp32 when i get i.e. emulation etc.

thanks in advance :lol:
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thanks for the help guys, much appreciated, just wandering, is it easy to navigate throught i.e. the screen menu when you have no game inserted

p.s. do you recommend any games?
pinball dreams and the pcengine emu will keep you happy as larry
Very easy.

You have GAME appearing at startup, press select and it switches between GAME, MP3 and PC-LINK. Press start to go to the selection.

GAME - List of all your games
MP3 - Mp3 player
PC-LINK - Simply waits for a pc connection for file transfers etc.

Only commercial games appear in the game menu, but there is a special "game" called the Free Launcher that also goes there, once you select that you can access any game you like once it's been put onto the card.

Check the FAQ for more info.

Also, I suggest - GPEngine with R-Type (and maybe Raiden), PC-Kid ... GPVSGB with Tetris DX, Zelda ... SMS32 with Sonic games ... I'm not much of a fan of retro stuff but you can also play Atari 2600 / Vectrex / Atari ST / Spectrum / many more. For Atari 2600 Pitfall is the obvious choice.

Just wait, though. The Genesis emu is coming. The SNES one is improving :P
A game system from NEC. Dated around the same timeframe as the SNES. Has some really outstanding games (look for other posts on this board).
pc-engine was released in US (1989 I believe) as Turbografx-16, right when Sega Genesis came out -- they both predated the Super Nintendo by a couple of years.

Turbo died a slow death, despite competent technology and decent launch titles, because they didn't bring over their best games from Japan (many were licensees of Nintendo, who at the time had a very STRICT policy regarding it's licensees releasing titles for other systems) -- so a lot of crap came out over here, and Genesis was left all to itself until the Snes appeared.

video game history...!
Another thing that will FREAK YOU OUT at first. When the screen flickers and ends up going blank, just change the batteries. We've all went through that one, hehe. As usual, I'm gonna suggest you buy at least 4 rechargeable AA batteries (with a charger :rolleyes: ) Costs alot, but it ends up costing less blahblahblah....
Actually, if you live in the UK, you can generally get a charger and 4 1800mAh NiMH batteries for about 10-12 quid from www.7dayshop.com

Well worth the layout (and not that expensive in my opinion!)