Vobbo's Interview

I donated webspace so far and when I get money he cna have some of that. At the moment all I have are digestive biscuits. If you want a sort of preview of Vobbo's new page, done by me so its really crap :P, you can see it at http://vobbo.gptheatre.co.uk/new/ Wow you'd never guess my inspiration for that folder.

Wow, that is really... New. A big improvement, I could hardly recognize the page anymore. :P

In all seriousity, it is a bit better then the current though, nice work. :)
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Yay! I cobbled it together in about an hour. It stil needs minor tweaks, vobbo editing it, and one day, probably in a week, I will edit it to use iframes or what ever instead of layers and javascript for the menu. And I will just add generally more detail.
Yay! I cobbled it together in about an hour. It stil needs minor tweaks, vobbo editing it, and one day, probably in a week, I will edit it to use iframes or what ever instead of layers and javascript for the menu. And I will just add generally more detail.
there are a lot of typos in the 'donate' paragraph. Proofread?
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Oh, he is. I also like his very simple and almost graphic free, except for screen shots, pages. As it makes it very easy to get on the site at shity connection places and also to find the information you need.
I was a donator too. I am sure there are MANY more than 23 people enjoying the emulator. More people should donate and support his work.