Vj''ing With Pandora


Nov 7, 2007
UK - Manchester
I am a Vj and am very interested in what the pandora can do for me.

My Typical rig is using Resolume and dedicated midi controllers to mix videos in real time. At the moment i am running a live audio feed into a second Laptop (via the line in pluggin in winamp) to trigger Milkdrop visuals which i am out putting to my other laptop via a video capture card.

I have stumbled accross ProjectM (http://projectm.sourceforge.net/)

I can see this has lunix support and it is open source

3 Questions:

1) Would it be possible to port this to Pandora ?
2) Would it be possible to use the Pandoras line in/mic (as a live audio feed from the dj) to trigger the visualisation rather than playing an mp3
3) If this is possible, can the tv act as a secondry monitor (Dual view) so i can send the visualization to the projector/screen

If the above 3 points are possible then i will be even more in love with my preorder!

I am a member of Vj Forums and would love to write a thread if this is possible - It can be the future of the Vj Culture

Edit: Spelling mistakes!
I would think so too, if you don't need any real big resolutions for the videooutput it should be quite possible.
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You should look at LiVES http://lives.sourceforge.net/, it's developed by a VJ.

'djmaddis' said:
I can see this has lunix support and it is open source

lunix? Really? You read 'linux' on the ProjectM homeppage and you still wrote 'lunix'?
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1) projectM should be ported already, it's not that heavy on dependencies...

2) There's a plugin for PulseAudio (the sound system on the Pandora) that's called pulseaudio-projectM (google it, or watch on youtube)... you can basically attach it to any input (the mic, a monitor of the output speakers, some other audio stream you have laying around) and it will visualize that input stream. I use it for global visualizations on my main PC but it can be used for anything really...

3) Yes.
'sindbad' said:
You should look at LiVES http://lives.sourceforge.net/, it''s developed by a VJ.

'djmaddis' said:
I can see this has lunix support and it is open source

lunix? Really? You read 'linux' on the ProjectM homeppage and you still wrote 'lunix'?
lol. Yeah i meant linux. Better get that one right otherwise it will be blasphemous :P

I havent looked into LiVES. it seems quite basic to resolume. Heres my curret rig:


I am looking at using the pandora as a source (for the audio triggered visuals) rather than do the full vj mix from it

Edit: Edited

'mcobit' said:
I would think so too, if you don't need any real big resolutions for the videooutput it should be quite possible.
I will probabbly going up to 800x600
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The video-out is s-video so it will output 640x480 analogue max.

You would have to send it to a video capturecard in you main rig then and scale it up there.

I'm not sure if any USB-VideoCard would output a decent framerate at this resoultion. But maybe, when nothing else is running, who knows...
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Pikilipita has done a good VJ software for GBA and GP2x
Thanks for the quote Yod4z,

I've now completed a VJ software for Playstation 2, and will start soon doing one on the iPhone/iPod touch.

I may also do something for the Pandora, depending of the quality of the TV-out feature...
I guess porting my GP2X VJ software to Pandora should not be very complex.

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'kouky' said:
Thanks for the quote Yod4z,

I've now completed a VJ software for Playstation 2, and will start soon doing one on the iPhone/iPod touch.

I may also do something for the Pandora, depending of the quality of the TV-out feature...
I guess porting my GP2X VJ software to Pandora should not be very complex.

Hey piki, yes. I have tried your vj software on my f200. Very impressed. Looking forward to what you are bringing to the table for the pandora. Maybee you can make use of the open GL?
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