Visual Pinball


Jul 2, 2004
there are interesting stuff going on the pinball emulation scene. there are programs called visual pinball and vpinMAME which can use table design files (with visual pinball you can design tables too) and mame roms of the games, they made real tables! (actual models from willams, etc.) there are even collections dating from 1950s.

so i'm not sure about the source code,file specifications and ability of gp32 to run interpret those tables and play on it as well. but is there a possibilty?

the visual pinball's pc client tends to display the game in perspective but on the gp a top down classic pinball game look will go i guess.

the only resource i can point to is well, the forum of this pinball freaks.
I realize this is an old post, but since no one has ported any decent pinball, that I know of, I hoped to revive interest.

I would love to see Visual Pinball ported. That would be one of the very best things a porter could port, in my book.
No need for perspective. No need for any frills.

Currently, the best pinballs I can play are gameboy pinball games, which are only so so.
But playing pinball on the GP2X is fantastic. you can get in the zone a little better than on a computer keyboard.
I realize this is an old post, but since no one has ported any decent pinball, that I know of, I hoped to revive interest.

I would love to see Visual Pinball ported. That would be one of the very best things a porter could port, in my book.
No need for perspective. No need for any frills.

Currently, the best pinballs I can play are gameboy pinball games, which are only so so.
But playing pinball on the GP2X is fantastic. you can get in the zone a little better than on a computer keyboard.

Unfortunately I don't see this happening (although it'd be great). For one last I looked the source wasn't available. Also it's HEAVILY based on VBScript if I remember correctly. I have Visual Pinball in my mame cab and absolutely love it. I just wish it were more portable so I didn't need Windows to run it. I haven't looked in quite a while so it's possible all of the above is no longer true. :o

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Don't those pinball simulators take a LOT of horsepower. It seems like virtual pinball runs slow on my 2ghz... I suppose it depends on the table.

Currently, the best pinballs I can play are gameboy pinball games, which are only so so.

as far as non-gameboy alternatives:
there is the pinball construction set on c64/atari800 and about *a million* tables
virtual pinball on sega genesis (same designer above)
devil's crush on tg16 (genesis version is terrible)
pinball jam on lynx, because Elvira=hot

actually, a decent 'pinball construction set' type setup would be great on this system, but it'd probably have to be coded from scratch. Who wants to start a fund to buy a gp2x for bill budge? :P
Thanks for the info, even tho it's bad news. Also, thanks for alternative suggestions...

Playing Visual Pinball is almost enough of a reason to go to windows. But not quite enough for me.
Don't those pinball simulators take a LOT of horsepower. It seems like virtual pinball runs slow on my 2ghz... I suppose it depends on the table.

Currently, the best pinballs I can play are gameboy pinball games, which are only so so.

as far as non-gameboy alternatives:
there is the pinball construction set on c64/atari800 and about *a million* tables
virtual pinball on sega genesis (same designer above)
devil's crush on tg16 (genesis version is terrible)
pinball jam on lynx, because Elvira=hot

actually, a decent 'pinball construction set' type setup would be great on this system, but it'd probably have to be coded from scratch. Who wants to start a fund to buy a gp2x for bill budge? :P

I *loved* the Elvira and the Party Monsters pinball they had at a local pizza place. I would play that thing for hours. I should see if there is a VP table for that one. Had totally forgotton about it. Thanks for mentioning "elvira". :)

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