Virtual Network Computing (Vnc)


Jan 8, 2010
would like to do some remote video editing with pandora. shoot the stuff using a camcorder, upload via wi-fi(from pandora) to my computer, and use vnc to edit the videos, and then re-download onto my pandora for viewing. plenty of other great stuff for vnc i'm sure, but that's what i would use it for. anyone know if it's possible?
Why not ssh -X? you only see the program window instead of the entire screen and , for me works faster than vnc.
Depends on what kind of VNC it is.

I've used vpnc, and it worked pretty well on the network I needed to connect to.

Oops, scratch that, I confused VNC with VPN
josemdark said:
Why not ssh -X? http://maketecheasie...apps/2009/06/22 you only see the program window instead of the entire screen and , for me works faster than vnc.

I'm confused at how ssh works, is it just pulling the application off of the server, and running it on the client, or is it running on the server, and then forwarding the graphics a bit more efficiently, or is it something in between?
The main thing I'm looking at is running Windows in a Virtual Machine, and ssh-ing that to the Pandora? Would that work?
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The app runs on the server and forward the graphics to the Pandora. You can run virtualbox on the ssh shell. Why wouldn't it work?
josemdark said:
The app runs on the server and forward the graphics to the Pandora. You can run virtualbox on the ssh shell. Why wouldn't it work?

I don't know, but when I googled "ssh virtual machine" the only results I got where about sshing from a virtual machine, not sshing the virtual machine itself.

But if that does work, then that's awesome, because there are some WINE-not-compatible (and x86 anyways) programs that I need to run portably, and I thought I was going to have to buy a laptop as well.
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What OS do you have on your desktop?

Have they updated VNC's video protocols yet? It used to be horrible updating the screen as it had to poll updates *shudder*. I can't imagine doing any detailed video editing over it. Would be interesting to hear how you find it :)
I'm not sure if you can use ssh -X to connect to a Windows system, since it is X forwarding, and Windows doesn't use an X server.

But VNC should work fine.
HackModford said:
The iphone can do it so surely the Pandora can :D
Dual Touch, Accelerometer (btw i hate the ipod (well more their owners))
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Aninhumer said:
I'm not sure if you can use ssh -X to connect to a Windows system, since it is X forwarding, and Windows doesn't use an X server.

But VNC should work fine.
It's easier to use the rdesktop proto in this case.
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Aninhumer said:
I'm not sure if you can use ssh -X to connect to a Windows system, since it is X forwarding, and Windows doesn't use an X server.

There's always the possibility of installing an X server on the Windows machine. Some alternatives:

Worth giving it a shot IMHO.
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X forwarding isn't as network efficient as VNC, especially over the internet.. VNC is most likely your best bet.
joseluisjazz said:
Aninhumer said:
I'm not sure if you can use ssh -X to connect to a Windows system, since it is X forwarding, and Windows doesn't use an X server.

There's always the possibility of installing an X server on the Windows machine. Some alternatives:

Worth giving it a shot IMHO.
AFAIK X-server on windows is used in the reverse way: when you need to run on windows machine a remote X-client through ssh-forwarding. And it won't help you to run windows apps remotely on your UNIX machine.
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mahousaru said:
Have they updated VNC's video protocols yet? It used to be horrible updating the screen as it had to poll updates *shudder*. I can't imagine doing any detailed video editing over it. Would be interesting to hear how you find it :)

Well some of the servers can hook in to the mirage driver which only polls the section of the screen that changes. Ive used it with tightvnc and it makes a huge difference. But using it to edit a video umm maybe it would work out if the host box is on the same network, otherwise its gona be slow and shitty.
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Virtualbox itself has a remote desktop(rdp) server built in, so that's worth trying. Probably not too bad over LAN. I just wouldn't bother considering this over the internet. It would be way to choppy and delayed.

Otherwise, VNC itself should work to the pandora or from the pandora. I messed with a VNC server on the DS and it worked passably OK... though not particularly spectacular. The pandora should have the processing power needed to do it, though.
TrashyMG said:
X forwarding isn't as network efficient as VNC, especially over the internet.. VNC is most likely your best bet.
It's kinda-sorta designed to be. It just so happens that no toolkit cares anymore :/
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