Virtual Dub 1.4.7 Xvid Settings - Perfect

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Download GPCinema XviD Settings

Be sure to be using the XviD codec by Koepi. I've spent a while tinkering around with the settings and this is the best I can get!

Runs smoothly on 133mhz. 166mhz crashed my GP32.

Filesizes are around 10-15mb per Simpsons episode (20mins)

Around 70-100mb per movie. This is based on downsampling from DivX 4 and 5, on roughly 500-750mb AVI's.

Hope this can help someone!
im dooing petre andremysterious girl the video(soo damn funny) and it is 1 kb shorter than ma last compression :P
At the moment on my "Movies" SMC 128mb, I have Spider-Man and three Simpsons episodes. Not bad :)

I'm going hunting for the Mysterious Girl video.
hum... could you post your settings on XVID here? (the ones in the compression menu) my vdub is having troubling loading your file :/ (but only thc ompression part, the others seem to be working ifne :))

edit: i got it to work, but now I keep getting a "not enough memory error (-3))"
Alright, here we go.

1 Pass CBR

Bitrate 110

Motion search precision 6 Ultra High

Max I-Frame Interval 128

Min I-Frame Interval 1


Min I-Frame 4

Max I-Frame 12

Min P-Frame 4

Max P-Frame 12

You shouldn't need to change anything else but these for the xvid settings.

Just make sure you're running at 133mhz. If you've a 166mhz guaranteed GP32, then go for it!
wth? :/ I still get the "not enough memory error"

can't be my hdd, still got 20 gig free...
I've no idea then, I'm sorry. I just got my GP32 about 3 days ago, still figuring things out, just thought I would try to help. Sorry I can't fix things for you :(
I've been screwing around with the codecs, and I think I have a faulty XviD codec. So I uninstalled it, and re-installed the codec (I found the link on divx-digest)... but not it won't show up at all -_-;;;
I have allsorts of codecs on this machine as I do encode a lot of DivX/XviD/3ivX. I only have one XviD codec that shows up though and it seems to work. Try downloading virtual dub again?
same problem here, so i tried changing the codec from xvid to divx 4.12, now encoding will take a while, i will post what happened (if it worked correctly)
but anyway, thx for the settings and could you give us a link to the xvid codec you used, maybe me and Q-Wi-Q just downloaded a wrong version (more unstable or smth)?

edit: works fine :lol:
Just to say that your settings are quite good for long movies, but you can push the limits if you want (for example, @150 my gp stands basically bitrates up to 400-420).
Anyway, that kind of extreme settings I'm talking of are for shorter movies and/or ultra high quality freaks like me :P
Actually Festival, you're not a freak. Imagine using higher settings for short anime's? I personally use these settings for EVERYTHING. TV shows, movies, adverts etc. Means I can fit more on my cards when I'm out and I'm not converting as much :)
i read on a page that xvid will make files smaller than divx412 :o

mebbe the "not enough memory" error is becuase the b-frame control isnt set correctly?
there are right now veerryy high noumbers, tempus what did you set ther`?
thx in advance
B-Frame eh? Like I said, I've had my GP32 for a week now so I'm still hazy on the whole jargon of this encoding business, even though I have been encoding and ripping for quite some time now.

I stated everything I changed in virtual dub and in the xvid settings, everything else was left alone on it's default settings.

Sorry I can't be of any more help.
I can't see why a B-frame configuration could provoke a memory error (except if there's a bug but I've never encounter such a bug... and I've seen a lot of xvid bugs when xvid wasn't as good as now).

Anyway, the results you get with xvid greatly differ with your settings. That being said, if you are into making 2-passes encodes, xvid is your only choice since it's the only one which will enable you to limit the birate peaks due to the 2-pass (remember the GP32 has limited memory and cpu power ^^ ). And even with 1-pass encodes, being able to tweak more precisely the xvid codec is a must.

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