Virtual Drum Machine!!

The Wub

no talent, silly haircut
Jan 11, 2003

I've got a ton of good drum sounds to use for this but the timing is completely uncontrolable...untill I fix it I won't be adding anything else.
What I will add: save and load patterns, presets, a good range of drum sounds arranged in kits (techno, hip hop, dance, rock etc..), patterns of greater length.

If anyone thinks they'd find a use for this, and can suggest good features that would make it more useable, please do let me know. :)

Thanks. :)

yeyyy this is perfect 4 me + my guitar playing thanks ever so much well once the tempo is sorted thx ever so much :D :D :D plugs into my amp aswell :D :D :D
why not use a metronome :P

btw- im makin a soundfont, and have tons of extra samples you can use. if you want them to include with the program or whatever, just message me
Well, I am closer to getting the tempo under control, thanks to ThunderZ, Toris and Mr Spiv... :D

Once this is done and I have put at least one decent set of sounds in we'll see how much use it will be... maybe none...

It may be the worlds most expensive metronome or something a bit better...


Chord progressions? I would love to think I could do it... tempo first. ;)
Version 0.02 is now at

It now defaults to a reasonably acurate 60 BPM, (my talk of 75 BPM in the last release was uttter hogwash btw) and it now has a lovely tick counter. :D

Tempo is still buggered like a goodun tho. :angry:
Woooohooo :)
Nice project :)
I just spent about an hour and create nice drum patterns :)

Very funny and pretty nice tool for musicians :)
it be the fun, i've been creating drum beats out of some of my most played songs :D
Thanks for all the feedback, it's starting to take shape a little more now...

I have dicovered that the new version of GPSmack is eligable for the 15 day contest so I'm gonna enter it. :)

All previously mentioned functions are now present (sort of) so the compo release will be (near enough) the final version :lol:

Thanks for your continued patience. :)

Just a little visual progress report...
Yes, I am using samples for the drum sounds now.

When I know how to, I will add a function for people to load and use their own drum sounds, making my kits optional.

This is the plan, anyway ;)
Geeeez, I LOOOOOVE that little program...
Sorry for you that it didn't get many votes in the contest, but I guess applications can't win against games...

I hope you won't abandon the project, as it's really a fun one :)
Now I can take my GP32 to every jam session with me :)

Only features / changes I can imagine which would make the program perfect:
- Ability to save your pattern as midi-file (so you can import your patterns in every program :))
- Building own Drumkits :)
- Make the keys react faster in the Jam mode (you can easily drum for yourself, but it is hard to follow a song or in a jam session with others cause of a short delay).

Keep up the good work :)
this is, HANDS DOWN, the BEST thing on the GP i have ever seen. no i'm not being sarcastic, i really love this thing!
you really gotta make it so we can import our own 4pc kits, i could come up with some crazy stuff i bet. you could take samples from SF Acid and have a drum loops, a guit loop, a bass loop etc!

also, instead of saving as a .SAV, is there a way you could make it save as a .WAV? i know it would be a bigger file, but if you're just makng loops than it would be easier to export. right now, you can only trade with others using GPSmack on their GP's, but I'd like to be able to upload stuff to my comp.