As I annouced a while ago in another topic, there will be an alternative // retro // rarities exhibition called "Vidgames Zockertreffen 4" in Ebersberg near Munich / Germany, upcoming weekend (13th to 15th August 2004).
It's more a meeting with party character then a stiff normal convention, there is even BBQ. Would be great to meet some of you guys there!
Anyway, why I'm asking... we'll have a GP32 there and I need some apps and stuff for it the fastest way. Unfortunately I'm not up-to-date which are the newest versions, so could you please tell me where to find the latest versions of...
* a GOOD image views (one where you also can load images from another directory and won't only load 75% of all images)
* a good MP3 player
* perfect NES emulator
* best four free GP32 games
Thank you so much in advance!

It's more a meeting with party character then a stiff normal convention, there is even BBQ. Would be great to meet some of you guys there!
Anyway, why I'm asking... we'll have a GP32 there and I need some apps and stuff for it the fastest way. Unfortunately I'm not up-to-date which are the newest versions, so could you please tell me where to find the latest versions of...
* a GOOD image views (one where you also can load images from another directory and won't only load 75% of all images)
* a good MP3 player
* perfect NES emulator
* best four free GP32 games
Thank you so much in advance!