Video Editing!


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2003
im making a movie for the school with some friends, its kind of big project so im searching for a quite good editing program. It should also have nice effects in it for music and video (old movie style etc) and things to play arround with in the intro (moving text, perhaps some faked producer logos). Can some recommend me a good Program?
Thanks for any help!
hmm can cost a bit, but not over 200€ max... i think.
I think i can buy this also for the school, so they will pay it :)
You certainly won't get a good editing program for that price.
One of the best available to use at home is Adobe Premiere Pro.

You could try out the crippled version (Adobe Premiere Pro Elements) or the free version of AVID DV Express.
give windows moviemaker a look, it comes bundled with XP.

i've managed to create some rather nice vids of various nights out at uni, just be willing to look at all the video options and effects. also save lots as it can crash as it is very processor intensive.

it will do the things you described very easily.
jegHegy posted on Jul 5 2005 at 01:17 AM said:
the laughable Windows Movie Maker will have to do. or if you have $500 to spend, get Sony Vegas 6.

Or look out for a second hand version of Vegas 5 or theres vegas movie studio which is cut down budget version, not tried it my self... but hey you can download the trials and use them for 30days .. maybe all the time you need for your project.
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spray posted on Jul 4 2005 at 11:28 PM said:
give windows moviemaker a look, it comes bundled with XP.

i've managed to create some rather nice vids of various nights out at uni, just be willing to look at all the video options and effects. also save lots as it can crash as it is very processor intensive.

it will do the things you described very easily.

Indeed. With the use of a cunningly placed Eyetoy connected to my Laptop's USB and Windows Movie Maker, I managed to make a movie of Markamania in action.

I took my shirt off, put a bandana (read: rolled up bag) around my head and played Real American very loud, just before delivering the Big Boot to my little brother and hulking up. I would post it here, but I think my credibility went downhill fast after Do The Pensioner.
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Pinnicle Studio isn't too bad.. and its only like $60

also I was able to download the Premiere 30 day trial and now I can use it forever cause my spyware-fucked up computer screwed up the registry
I'd recomment VIrtualDub ( just for simple editing but don't use Premiere unless you've got a significant amount of RAM and a pretty good processor. You can download filters for VD (easy to find on google) which privide some really neat effects but if you also wanna create some visual effects I think you can use After Effects. I'm sure you can get some trial version of Adobe's products if you wanna see how well your PC handles them.