Very Cool Blu ... But...


Sep 24, 2003
Hokay, GBAX just replaced my GP32 for the 4th time (I have had some issues...) - I must say Best Customer Service Ever. But some of the software I had on my FLU doesn't seem to work:

1) GPCinema
2) Gloop DX
3) Pinball Dreams
4) Tie Break Tennis

Now 1), 2) and 3) I can understand (I guess its due to the copy protection), but I don't get TBT... As I installed it via the gppk utility direc to my SMC I can't see it being anything to do with copy protection or owt...

I should mention that I have not installed any alternative FW, or MFW as of yet - but Aquafish's looks intriguing!!!

Any body got any ideas why TBT is doing this?


P.S. I take it that GPCinema that is now available is the same as the old one?
P.P.S. does anybody else feel daft putting P.S.'s on e-mails and similar?
Load up gpfilemanager 1.5b and run from that. It seems that the Euro Firmware complains once and a while about some programs.

I have problems with GPPang.

grab it at under utilidads.
1) GPCinema <-get free version its 99% the same
2) Gloop DX <- uhm shit happens its registerd to your old gp
3) Pinball Dreams <- same

GPPang didnt work with the old betas of the eufw, but i thought :P that it works now
My left trigger of my blu from gbax does not come back up properly. It works but I am waiting till it stops working properly before I send it back. My question is should I send it back now or after my holiday if it stops working.
sam fisher posted on Jul 8 2004 at 06:11 PM said:
My left trigger of my blu from gbax does not come back up properly. It works but I am waiting till it stops working properly before I send it back. My question is should I send it back now or after my holiday if it stops working.
This is totally unrelated to this post, shouldn't it be part of your ongoing story post where no-one... I mean everyone can read it...
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Hokay, GBAX just replaced my GP32 for the 4th time (I have had some issues...) - I must say Best Customer Service Ever

Asking his opinion as I am in a similar situation. Totally related to this post and tie break tennis no longer works on my blu either.
<cool> Thanks for the info about Tie Break Tennis - bit of an arse though!! I guess if I put a MultiFirmware on it I'll get it to work..

GPCinema 99% the same? What's the 1% difference (I bet its licence related...).

Not too worried aboubt Pinball Dreams - if it does get to bug me I'll just have to buy it again - bit miffed about Gloop DX - but that was cheap in the first place - and Toris seems like a nice guy.

Sam - personally I'd give them a call - the shoulder buttons are very easy to fix. My problems were screen/boot related... (first two exchanges were 'cos I couldn't make up my mind about FLU or non FLU, 3rd was because screen went doolally and would only show about half of screen, 4th was because my FLU's repeated failure to boot - it would boot about 1 time in 5 - which got very annoying the other day when I was testing some ROMS with GPAdvance... GBAX Rock!).

argon0 posted on Jul 8 2004 at 06:51 PM said:
GPCinema 99% the same? What's the 1% difference (I bet its licence related...).
It is free :P
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