Using Wind-Ups

Generic B

Still Fresh
Dec 7, 2003
Ok, so I'm extremely clueless as to how to launch this damn thing, so I was, uh, hoping someone would tell me the process, step by step.

...Yes, I need my hand held, if you're wondering.
yep, get multifirmware2 - just put the .fxe in gpmm and run it - it verifies and everything - make sure your batteries are full and you won't look back (although you can go back to the crappy gamepark startup/launcher thing if you want by holding select during bootup)

essential ! used to piss me off exiting a program and going through that menu and looking down the list etc.. now i reboot and everything is on the desktop in a flash - one of the best things for the gp i reckon
essential ! used to piss me off exiting a program and going through that menu and looking down the list etc.. now i reboot and everything is on the desktop in a flash - one of the best things for the gp i reckon

Agree 120% wholeheartedly :)