adamorjames said:
I think I would have to pay extra for tethering. I use AT&T. Anyone else have to pay extra? I would like to have internet access wherever I go...
You only have to pay extra if they know about it.

And when they find out about it and send you a bill for a few hundred dollars... Seriously, if you're going to tether, you might as well pay for the service, or at least be diligent enough to know what to expect from your provider in this situation. I've read of enough people getting caught and seeing bills in the $500 range to shy away from trying something like that. (See HowardForums)
That said, I'm on the T-Mobile G1 and don't pay extra for tethering, but that's because it is not offered with this phone, and the tethering service on the phone is not officially supported. T-mobile has also stated that they will not prevent users from using tethering with this phone. If it were, I would gladly pay an extra $15-$20/mo for a supported service that was fast and reliable.
I am considering picking up a wimax connection, because as nice as tetherbot is, it's just not that fast or reliable.