The wikipedia article on Links has a screenshot of it in graphical mode:
i would like firefox but thats just a dream! lol, any graphical browser that works at least as well as the dreamcasts browser (planetweb) would kick ass
The MMSP2 USB drivers are totally useless, sorry to burst anybody’s bubble but as stated above the USB 1.1 on chip controller on the MMSP2 is not pegged out on the GP2X PCB and as it is a BGA chip there is nothing you can do to change it. The MMSP2 USB 1.1 drivers will compile and load fine but never work, the silicon is there, it's just not connected and can't be connected.
Also i notice the web browser conversation going on, isnt that running before we can walk? surely even when/if we get usb working we still need to implement a working usb network device driver. Once a fully implemented sdio stack is in the kernel a wifi sd card would be simpler and tidier, i remember reading DignSys were working on implementing an sdio stack but i could be wrong.
ad hocWhat's that mean?what about web browsing using ad-hoc like the punk ass portaloo i mean playstation portable
Adhoc connection to the internet via a wifi link
Adhoc vs infrastructure mode.
God Ginrai posted on Feb 8 2006 at 01:50 AM said:Try linking, it makes it so people don't think you're pulling statements out of your arse.
ad hocWhat's that mean?what about web browsing using ad-hoc like the punk ass portaloo i mean playstation portable
For the specific purpose, case, or situation at hand and for no other: a committee formed ad hoc to address the issue of salaries.
1. Formed for or concerned with one specific purpose: an ad hoc compensation committee.
2. Improvised and often impromptu: “On an ad hoc basis, Congress has... placed... ceilings on military aid to specific countries” (New York Times).
The thing I would like USB host for is USB flash drives. Those things are cheaper than SD cards around here. I don't really care about going online with my GP2X but if someone can pull it off, power to 'em.