How about usb host function. You would need a special cable to hook it up right, but thats the easy part. With host function you could use a external battery power hard drive(like the iPod) and even have muilti play function added to the GP2X.
You seem to be new here, so a good start would to go read the wiki. Then use the search function on these forums before posting questions. You will find that most of the questions have already been asked and answered.
The USB connection exposed on the right size of the device does not support host mode. At all. Not possible. This is because GPH chose to use an external USB 2.0 chip (in place of the USB 1.1 on the system chip) that does not support host mode.
The USB 1.1 chip on the system chip is apparently exposed via the EXT port on the bottom of the device, but no-one has confirmed this yet by getting something working on it.