Internal Usb Thumb Drive Mod Thoughts


Still Fresh
Oct 31, 2006
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I've seen the mod to install a USB host port on the GP2X but I've had a thought, why not take it one step further.

Instead of installing a USB port why not de-case an 8GB USB thumb drive and wire directly to it?

I'm considering doing this mod but there is only one issue I can think of. Can you copy files to an external drive (internal in this case, but you get the point) with the GP2X connected to the PC?
Well I've managed to prove the concept with a thumb drive connected to the BoB.

Its painfully slow however transferring files :o
You could wire it up to the mini-USB socket and use a switch to flip between having the stick connected and the GP2X. That probably wouldn't be too hard to do. It's an interesting idea.
Yeah that thought had crossed my mind.

Now I have proved the concept, I'll have a think where I could take this idea.
Just had another thought about this mod :blink:

I could have a germanium (to only drop 0.3V, within USB specs) blocking diode on the 5V supply to the USB thumb drive from the GP2X, then install a second mini usb connector. Then when I need to transfer data to the internal thumb drive I simply use a USB to Mini USB cable.

I dont think this would have any detrimental effects on the USB signal lines as the GP2X would not be powered on when connecting the internal thumb drive to a PC.

I could even fit the second mini usb connector to be accessed from inside the battery compartment if there is space.