USB Help


Oct 27, 2010
So I've tried a bunch of different peripherals... USB sticks, memory card readers, my mobile phone, wifi dongles, keyboards, mice etc... and I can't get anything to work with the pandora. Nothing comes up in dmesg and lsusb also reports nothing back. Am I doing something wrong? Is my pandora faulty? I know about the hi-speed thing, but I've tried enough devices that I am sure some of them must be hi-speed. I also tried using a hub (the one built in to my dell monitor) with no luck. Help!
Once you have plugged an USB1 device in the standard usb port, the drivers will go mad and ignore anything you throw at it. You'll need to reboot to restaur it's features.

So reboot, use your hub, and retry ;)
I thought there was something wrong with my USB port too but then I heard about the USB 1.1 thing :) Memory Sticks should work but as sebt3 said: as soon as you plug in something 1.1 it won't work anymore until you do a restart.
And this isn't a problem with the Pandora, per se, it's an issue with the OMAP chip that was chosen. It happens to all OMAP based systems that didn't take this "feature" into account and added extra hardware to bypass it. I'm pretty sure with the number of problems it has caused, OPT is going to see to it that the extra hardware is definitely included next time.
Okay, so I rebooted and tried a few different things, all the while rebooting in between trying each one. Still exactly the same results. And the things I am trying, when plugged into my macbook, are reported as high speed devices in system profiler.

Eeek. Maybe I am doing something wrong, but I'm quite concerned at this point!
Okay, so I rebooted and tried a few different things, all the while rebooting in between trying each one. Still exactly the same results. And the things I am trying, when plugged into my macbook, are reported as high speed devices in system profiler.

Eeek. Maybe I am doing something wrong, but I'm quite concerned at this point!

smell like a case for RMA at this point. sadly
Just to cover all bases, here: Remember, if using a hub, the hub itself must be USB 2.0 High Speed, or that won't work either.
I'm in a similar situation. I got a hub listed on the wiki as working with the Pandora and when I plug it in dmesg reports

Unable to ennumerate USB device on port 2
Any clues anyone?

Have you checked dmesg when you plug your HUB in?
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I'm in a similar situation. I got a hub listed on the wiki as working with the Pandora and when I plug it in dmesg reports

Unable to ennumerate USB device on port 2
Any clues anyone?

Have you checked dmesg when you plug your HUB in?

Yeah... it's in my first post!

dmesg does nothing for me :(

Sounds like your problem is likely a driver/kernel issue... I had this problem with a device on my desktop for a while but it went away when I upgraded my kernel... a problem in the USB stack apparently :P
"Unable to enumerate device" is what it says when the host crashes. Why it does that is usually because you've plugged in a USB1.1 device, but if you're using a USB2.0 hub that someone else has reported working then I don't know what it could be.

Only way to recover from a crashed host is to reboot.
K, I've tried all the suggestions without so much as a peep from any devices... I guess I need to contact OP for an RMA :(

Any clue what the turn around time might be?

Thanks for all your help
Retracted.. I see you have..
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Just thinking, is there any point in me re-flashing my pandora to see if that fixes it?

(Seems unlikely to me though)
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