GP2X Usb Gadget Serial Drivers For Gp2x

It's something like Alt-A to tell minicom what to do - it says at the bottom of the screen.

Or you can do "minicom -s" to set settings before connecting.

I think you can also specify the port on the command line. You do need to turn off hardware flow control though, and the serial driver on the gp2x doesn't support it.

Other settings don't matter too much - any baud rate seems fine, but set to 8 data bits, no parity - 8-N-1 is quite common, hence the shortcut at the bottom of the setup dialog.

Turn off modem init strings etc, or it will send a load of junk to bash when you connect!

That's about it though - generally it should work after that. Though it doesn't work for me with ACM - I can send but not receive.
I am a little confused about the purpose of this.
Does this USB module make it so you can connect the GP2X to the PC and use the connection like it was a serial cable connection (debugging etc)?
timbob: yes, that's exactly what it does. The GP2X shows up as if it were a modem.

K-teto: did you read the docmentation from the linux kernel - I included it in the archive I think? You need to extract the usbser.sys file from one of the Microsoft .cab files - the docs suggest, but on my new laptop it was in Other than that, it worked exactly as documented.

Still not ideal, of course - why can't windows look in its own damn .cab file? I'm looking at alternatives now though - running custom apps on both sides of the link, to provide more features than a plain serial link can give - and hopefully more reliability too, as the serial link seems to fall down if you send too much data at once. I'd like to provide some file transfer functionality, too, so you don't need to switch modules (or SD cards).
thanks for the info gfoot... sounds really kool. Is there some doco on setting it up? Perhaps on ?

I did, but i can't make it work, only with linux, and i have the last zip.
I'm not gonna give up until i get this working, i need it for debugging and more things like that, i need it for my next project.
I'd like to provide some file transfer functionality, too, so you don't need to switch modules (or SD cards).

I did make a stab at porting Kermit to the GP2X for this purpose. The GPL code (gkermit) compiles fine and appears to run, but I have not as of yet been able to get it to handshake with gkermit on the desktop Linux side and actually transfer files. I'm considering switching to zmodem.

An alternate route is to build a GP2X kernel with networking support and try to get a PPP or SLIP link going. Now wouldn't *that* be cool -- using telnet and ftp.

I should note that among other oddities on the GP2X, there is actually a web server! (/sbin/thttpd)
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luteijn: The source it easy to get. Just PM me, and I'll send it to you. Or e-mail PLX. It is GPL after all.

The problem is that it crashes on linux. It works great on Windows(strange enough). And you need to add a build a custom kernel in order to add network support(it would be the same if you tried to use ppp or slip).
I was refering to the 'changed' kernel and U-boot sources, as a) I wouldn't want to add ppp and lose some other functionality. and B) I don't want to reflash for testing what I've wrought, but boot from SD instead. Anyway, I should shut up, as I don't have enough time to actually look at things at the moment anyway.

a. You don't need to flash U-Boot. It would be a horrible idea to flash it anyways, as GPH's u-boot source doesn't have SD support.

b. Flashing a custom kernel is safe. If the new kernel doesn't work, reflash it with a different one. You can't permanently brick your unit flashing kernels(unless you flash it around 1,000,000 times and kill the flash chip).

I've been following this thread with great interest and have finally got terminal access up and running (big up to gfoot for this!).

I've managed to compile rz and sz for zmodem transfer, but I can only seem to send files (even this is a bit dodgy) to the GP2X, not receive files (rz times out and the term program seems to instantly cancel).

I was wondering if anyone else had had any success in this regard?

btw. I used the rz/sz source from Omen ( with a -DPOSIX switch to compile
With the g_serial module, it seems that you can receive a load of data from the 2x fine, but sending a lot of data crashes the module. So I would have thought your Zmodem troubles would be the other way around.

Still, hopefully with gfoot's new found skills, we'll be uploading files to the 2x at 7MB/sec soon :)
With the g_serial module, it seems that you can receive a load of data from the 2x fine, but sending a lot of data crashes the module. So I would have thought your Zmodem troubles would be the other way around.

Hmm, it seems that the terminal is eating something in the ZModem start strings or something. (Its been years since I've used / hacked ZModem, so I can't really remember how it all works :)) I don't get any crashing at all, the term prog. starts the transfer and cancels immediately.

Still, hopefully with gfoot's new found skills, we'll be uploading files to the 2x at 7MB/sec soon :)

Well, I guess its all Hail to gfoot and lets hope he gets something going before this zmodem stuff drives me bonkers :blink:


I am on WinXP and have had the associated USB issues, which up until now I have solved with the use of USBMon as per the wiki.

However I noticed that if I load the serial drivers, then USB works from that point on (obviously after unloading the serial drivers!) without USBMon or any other interferance.


Any ideas?
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