Usb/firmware Troubleshooting...


Still Fresh
Nov 22, 2005
Oxford, UK
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Hi All,

I thought it might be a good idea to start a troubleshooting thread here so be collate things we've tried in order to get the firmware to update or to get the device to connect via USB in Windows.

First of all I do have a workaround for those having a problem with USB in WinXP, it's worked on two PCs so far so it's worth a go. I'm thinking there is a dodgy driver or device id in the firmware affecting how Windows detects the device.

1. Connect the GP2x to the Windows PC
2. You'll notice nothing really happens :(
3. Goto Device Manager and locate the USB Mass Storage Device with an alert on it.
4. Remove this device and click 'Scan for hardware changes' under Actions
5. This will add a new USB device without an alert and should then be accessible in 'My Computers' well at least it dit on the 2 WinXP SP2 systems I tried :)

Also, if you have extra ports on your motherboard that are USB 1.1, the GP2X will work on those without any problems, just a message about it running on slow port speed.

For those that have Linux, it mounts flawlessly under Linux, i've tried Redhat ES4 and Ubuntu.

Firmware. (No success yet in updating).
Firstly I tried experimenting with the disk partitions, tried FAT16 and FAT32 both do exactly the same, might try EXT2/3 if the Kernel on the GP2X supports it. I've tried using GParted and Fdisk in Linux both report a healthy partition so i'm sure it's not related to how you partition the disk. I can see and browse the files on the card.

I though it might be permissions based so I did 'chmod 777' on the img file, still no good, file gets deleted as usual. My next thought is whether some kind of checksum is failing, but someone with a serial/dev kit would need to look at the output on start-up for that.

Still not had much luck with running anything really, Quake seems to sit there for ever, I left it 10mins with no progress, not really tried anything else. Do I need the SDL Libraries installed first?

Hope some of this helps someone.
Quake seems to sit there for ever, I left it 10mins with no progress, not really tried anything else. Do I need the SDL Libraries installed first?

No extra libraries for Quake, they are required to run NK's projects, i.e. Snes and NedoGeoCD.

Re Quake. If by sitting there you mean that it shows the initializing screen, just press the start button, to go into single player game click the joystick button. You need pak.0 and pak.1 to run it past the opening hall choices though. It does have some bugs in it that are currently getting addressed see here.

To run other applications have a look at this helpful little thread here. If you download the latest snes emulator you can ignore the renaming roms bit, as it know lists all roms in the same directory.

If you download frodo for GP2X, the readme will get you going. B)
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Thanks for the reply, it just gives me a black screen and never progresses. I shall try reading that thread and the readme with Frodo. If I could just get the firmware to work :D

Hi All,

I thought it might be a good idea to start a troubleshooting thread here so be collate things we've tried in order to get the firmware to update or to get the device to connect via USB in Windows.

First of all I do have a workaround for those having a problem with USB in WinXP, it's worked on two PCs so far so it's worth a go.  I'm thinking there is a dodgy driver or device id in the firmware affecting how Windows detects the device.

1. Connect the GP2x to the Windows PC
2. You'll notice nothing really happens :(
3. Goto Device Manager and locate the USB Mass Storage Device with an alert on it.
4. Remove this device and click 'Scan for hardware changes' under Actions
5. This will add a new USB device without an alert and should then be accessible in 'My Computers' well at least it dit on the 2 WinXP SP2 systems I tried :)

Also, if you have extra ports on your motherboard that are USB 1.1, the GP2X will work on those without any problems, just a message about it running on slow port speed.

For those that have Linux, it mounts flawlessly under Linux, i've tried Redhat ES4 and Ubuntu.

Tried. It does not work on my XP SP2 laptop (an IBM Thinkpad R40): every time I ask for a scan of new hardware, I get an error message for an unrecognized USB device and the alert reappears :(

I previously formatted my SD (Sandisk 1G) with FAT32.

I'm going now to try with Fedora 4 (I've made a dual boot on the same laptop).
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Tried also with Fedora 4.

GP2X is recognzied and mounted as an usbdisk.

Sometimes I can copy files from it to the desktop, sometimes copy hangs and the progress bar just stops with the count of remaining seconds to end of copy increasing...

I do no know what to think: it does seem a FW issue, but who really knows ? Different GP2X seem to behave in different ways...
Likewise, doesn't work here - although aparrently my make of mobo is worryingly fussy about USB stuff :(. Regardless of what I do, it shows up as a code 10 error of the device being unable to be started.

Which is kinda crap.

Good thing for my card reader, but it's only USB1.1 so slow as hell :(.