
The rebirth units use an updated soc, too afaik. Which runs Android 3D games better. So you can't turn it into a rebirth, but you can make it look like one.
pmprog appears right though, that his CC board will be kept by ED and he'll receive a new rebirth pcb in a new silver case for those purchases.  ED will fix the CC boards nub and sell it to a preorderer or as a reconditioned classic unit.
So, I'm right? Buy those two, and ship my Pandora off to ED, and I should get back something that resembles a Rebirth unit? Just want to be sure :)

i always thought that when upgrading CC to Rebirth you'll get the case anyway? I'm also interested in this, cause I'm thinking about upgrading like this, too.
In the Upgrade comments it says:

To do that, order and pay the new PCB here. If you also want a new case, order that here in the shop as well.
Just wanted to make sure I was going to order the right things