Upgrading My Nlu


Still Fresh
Apr 24, 2005
hey everyone, ive had my GP32 for quite awhile (going on a year now) and for awhile now its been collecting dust.... big mistake. so i pick it up one day, look at this site and WOW, alots been going on since i last looked.

Anyways, i was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of upgrades for my wonderful gp32 NLU, i wouldnt mind upgrading it to a FLU (not enough money to fork out on a brand spanking new BLU). i remember the upgrade was in kit form, but i cant find it anymore.

So, can anyone sell me one or tell me a good site on which to buy one? im also interested in other upgrades, but a backlight is what i want the most.

I live in the UK, thats the only downside :(

Thanks in Advance, Dave
There is still no kits available (and never will be) to turn you Nlu into a Flu unit. The only option you have in that regard is a wormlight, Either self powered (it`s own batteries) or one that connects to the Ext port at the bottom of the GP32.

My advice would be (If you really want a lit unit), Sell your Nlu unit, You can get quite a bit for it, Then put some mony towards it and get yourself a new or used Flu or Blu.

Btw: I tried the wormlight idea before i got my Blu, To be honest, It`s not really worth the trouble.

Get yourself a Flu or Blu, You won`t regret it. :D

EDIT: I had a sam moment there, Sorry.

Someone here also used a battery powered clip on Book Light from Wal-Mart that worked a lot better than a WormLight.
Thanx for the advice, im in the process of bidding a Flu now :D and also in the process of saying goodbye to my old gp32.... il miss the little guy :'(