Updated Pandora Website


Can't Remember
Aug 30, 2010
Hi ED,

I'd like to help by providing some content for the planned revamp of the Pandora website, thought I might try and put together a very simple guide for new users covering common questions (why won't my usb keyboard work? why can't I charge the Pandora with it turned off etc.) and how to set up your SD card etc.

What I'm wondering is :

Has anything been done so far to update the existing site?

Is there a preview available?

Without understanding what's been done already, the new layout & the purpose of the new site it would be difficult to provide any assistance.
Yes, the site basically exists and just needs to be filled with content :)

Everyone who wants to help: Send me a PM, I'll let you know the details :)
I'm hoping to get some time in the next week or so to help a bit with the new website. It would be really useful if you could answer the following :

What is the primary purpose of the new site? (Is it to make people want to buy a Pandora? Help Pandora owners get the most from their device? Entertain & amuse? etc.)

Will the new site be designed to be a pleasant browsing experience on the Pandora?
(this may be already planned, I don't know)

I think the front page should place less emphasis on specs - they tend to show the Pandora in a poor light next to the numbers associated with tablets etc

Also, an impressive picture/background might be nice <ponders>

Maybe lots of icons which A show the flexibility of a Pandora in a nice visual way B act a links to different parts of forums/repo/etc
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What is the primary purpose of the new site? (Is it to make people want to buy a Pandora? Help Pandora owners get the most from their device? Entertain & amuse? etc.)

First, of course, show to new customers what the system can do.

A quick and good overview so that you don't have to search around.

That's why the community can contribute videos and pictures as well as (soon) Reviews :)

Then I want a dev area which gives some quick information for devs, including links to the Wiki with how to setup tool chains, offering a VBox image where everything is setup, tell them about the IRC, etc.

I also want a user area which helps new users find their way around, i.e. link to the unofficial user guide on the wiki, etc.

For the more experienced users links to other OSes available (Slack, Arch, etc.) should also get a dedicated page.

And a ressources area where you can download firmwares, the manual, etc.

Will the new site be designed to be a pleasant browsing experience on the Pandora?

No. It should mainly be an information site for new customers.

I try to change the design to feel like the boards here (have the same menus, etc.), so that it feels like one website.