A long time ago I released a PND called Mount-Menu-Installer (in the repo), which offers the user a little Mount/Unmount-Menu by using Zenity. It can be used within XFCE, but at the moment unfortunately not from MiniMenu.
MiniMenu shows and runs PNDs, but the MountMenu-PND is not the application itself, but the installer. That's why you can not use it from within MiniMenu. I made a quick experiment and wrote another small PND that runs the Mount-Menu-script. It seems to work that way, but it's all a bit of a quick dirty hack so far and I did only a quick test.
So here is again what I did:
- install mount-menu by running the
mount-menu-installer.pnd from the repo
- create a pnd that contains only the script /usr/bin/mount-menu.sh (which is available after installation), an icon for the MiniMenu-entry and a PXML-file that runs mount-menu.sh
- copy the newly created pnd to /usr/pandora/mmenu/ (as root) so that it's available all time (with no mounted sdcard)
I attached the quickly hacked PND, but
!be warned that the attached PND is highly experimental and might do something you do not want to! I mean, I personally doubt that anything bad will happen (except for that it might not work), but the worst case is that you have to reflash your pandora and reformat your sdcard.

Sorry for pushing the fear, but you never know. As I said multiple times: This is/was just a quick test so far. If you are not much into Linux and using the command-line, then better don't try this without further help. I'm not sure when I can be of help next time.
Also note that the installer-pnd and the attached script have the same icon and a similar description, so don't mix them up in the MiniMenu. You will find the entries in the "System"-section.