Unfortunately have to sell my Pandora US w/ pic


Still Fresh
Apr 7, 2003
I am selling my Pandora because I just got a new car and need the money for new tires and such

It pains me to sell it but I have to.

Anyway I'm asking 400 + 7 shipping anywhere in the US (other countries we would have to talk about)

It will come with The Pandora, the stock charger, stylus, 2 16gig SD cards and I can leave all the PND's and ROMS on if you'd like

I havent had any problems with it ever, I works great, and is awesome I'm basically just not financially stable at the moment

will add pictures tonight I just have to be to work in 10 mins and wanted to post this before I leave

and I actually do have a second Pandora lieing around somewhere, I loaned it to my brother and he lost it so if I find it I will have a second one for sale (or i'll keep that one)


My dragon wanted to watch the movie with me :)
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Sad to hear that, but you maybe shouldn't advertise to sell roms...
Sad to hear that, but you maybe shouldn't advertise to sell roms...

This is a bit spiteful, is it not? I'm sure we're all against software piracy, but I'm also sure that not everyone has arcade boards sitting at home and that they ripped the roms themselves....
just dont talk about roms public (esp when your selling something) it can cause issues for the fourms
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Sad to hear that, but you maybe shouldn't advertise to sell roms...
the roms are all public domain games or open source homebrew games in rom form. marioballs, tetris clones etc
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