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La vieille dame et les pigeons
Mar 16, 2004
North Wales, UK
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Basically I downloaded too many filez on tiscali and now I'm in some shitty internet concentration camp where I have to share my bandwidth with my fellow p2p whores. So basically what I need now is a new isp with either 512kb or 1mb broadband for £15 or less. I'm guessing this is going to be a dead-end since these guys were cheap and utter shit. I'm looking for reliability (uptime) and preferably no download limits or very high ones(this includes fair usage policy). Thanks guys.
kknd_cf posted on Apr 2 2006 at 02:36 PM said:
Basically I downloaded too many filez on tiscali and now I'm in some shitty internet concentration camp where I have to share my bandwidth with my fellow p2p whores. So basically what I need now is a new isp with either 512kb or 1mb broadband for £15 or less. I'm guessing this is going to be a dead-end since these guys were cheap and utter shit. I'm looking for reliability (uptime) and preferably no download limits or very high ones(this includes fair usage policy). Thanks guys.

You don't have one of those things set in place where you HAVE to use tiscali for a year before you can cancel, do you?
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Try BT
or the best way to solve your problem is block on your firewall the program you downloaded music from. Usually theres an option stopping that program acting as a server, so i think you wont be able to seed anymore.
i second telewest.

have had it two+ years, no limits and good service- it has been solid reliability.

only possible problem could be availability in your area, but they have just merged with ntl so that shouldnt be a problem for long
Nova posted on Apr 2 2006 at 04:31 PM said:
You don't have one of those things set in place where you HAVE to use tiscali for a year before you can cancel, do you?
Hehe, luckily we're out of that.
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On of my friends is always ranting on about how good Nildram are.
I've been with BT for years and have had no problems with them. From what I can tell they give everyone the fastest connection available to them (up to 2mb), so you are basically paying for the size of your bandwidth cap. Unfortunatly the cheapest option is limited to 2GB a month and that probably wont last you 2 minutes.

You should check out They have lots of info on all of the ISP's and routers.
I second the Wanadoo option. I routinely overshoot my cap, but they've been quite decent about it as I don't go too far over.

The best, and naughtiest option ... no, wait. Understand, this is wrong. You should Not Do what I am about to suggest. I am simply saying that I have heard that people do this.

Most wireless routers are configured to allow open access by default, to avoid lusers calling the support lines when they can't make it work. Now, surely the fact that these routers remain open after installation implies that the owner is an altruist, and is sharing his bandwidth with his neighbours out of the goodness of his heart? Else he would have secured it, right?

So if you run out of bandwidth, I have heard from me mate Dave that you can just fire up your wireless card and see if there are any open nets nearby.

Very bad behaviour, of course. Naughty. Akin to eating apples off the branches of your neighbour's tree, if it pokes over your fence.
Another vote for telewest. Never had to call them up once, no downtime and the speed has been rock solid since the beginning.
Do NOT go for NTL. We asked the guys to install the cable for us. Scheduled it. They didn't bother coming. Scheduled it again. They came, then told us that thay needed more equipment. Scheduled it again. Didn't bother again. Scheduled it again. They came and told us they couldn't do it for some reason.

Eventually we gave up and went for Tiscali.
nickspoon posted on Apr 3 2006 at 07:51 PM said:
Do NOT go for NTL. We asked the guys to install the cable for us. Scheduled it. They didn't bother coming. Scheduled it again. They came, then told us that thay needed more equipment. Scheduled it again. Didn't bother again. Scheduled it again. They came and told us they couldn't do it for some reason.

Eventually we gave up and went for Tiscali.
Dear God I feel for you my friend.
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id go with telewest. Ive been with them for a few years. They keep upgrading too. I think i started off with 1mb now im on 10mb.
Okay, ADSL has a thing called a contention ratio, it basically means you are sharing the line with others. For example, if the service is contended or oversubscribed at 20:1, it means that you share the bandwidth with up to 19 other users. Basic ADSL services in the UK (mainly using the BT network) typically have a contention ratio of 50:1 with the more expensive or business packages having 20:1.
That 1 or 2 Meg you should be getting, is shared. Keep this in mind when testing your connection as it is the same for everyone.
I use Wanadoo and can confirm that they don't seem to be too strict about the download limit. I'm only on the 2gb a month limit because I don't download a lot but I have gone over that a few times and they've never said anything.