UI toolkit choice


homebrew player (P. & C.)
Sep 9, 2008
Hi gang,

As my spare time shrink, I want to focus on my initial project with the pandora : creating my own game (and no panmines doesnt count :p )

In the past weeks I was qualifying a way to serialize/store my data. After a few tests / lookups, I end up choosing eet.

Its plus are :

- Serialize a full structured tree (I would have prefered a graph, but a tree can do)

- able to store textures and other binary blob next to the structured data

- Fast robust simple

It depend on Eina which provide fixed point math and a very good list (I havent compared Eina_Array to stl vector yet, but Eina_list is good enough for me ;P)

So my logical next step for the level designer I'll need, would have been using Elementary+Evas, but the widgets are rather limited, so I'ld need to build some more (I'll need to build some anyway) which mean more code so more time needed :(

My other plan would have been QT+GL as I have some knowledge with both.

I dont feel confident coding part of the projet in c++ and the game itself in C (I wouldnt bet on Eina capability to bring back objects ;) ) would be a good idea.

So I'm kinda screw and cant decide on a plan. that's why I'm asking your inputs ;)
I'm assuming the editor will end up being a seperate application? If so, I wouldn't worry too much about multiple languages. Werewolves is C++, but the editor was written in VB.NET (to speed up dev time).

You can actually use a lot of C code inside C++, so you can reuse code that you create for your game in the editor, so Qt would be a good choice. But then I like Qt, so probably a little biased :)
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