Pandora Binaries - share stuff build for the pandora OS but no reason or will to pnd [1. mplayer2]


"I Know. We're going for a ride."
Jan 6, 2009
So I built a recent Mplayer2 from git yesterday and I'm not planning to pnd it - I was testing stuff, but since cloudef recommended I share the build I searched for a proper thread and found nothing useful.

The plan is that I'll attach my mplayer2 binary here and I'll let this thread to be a place to share stuff built against the pandora os libraries (SZ 1.52 as of now) during development or testing, as a way to help so others dont need to build everything.

I'll personally also share a few other things, like xz-utils, m4, flex, bison (now with a quick look at my dev tree). My recommended format is a .tar.gz (or tar.xz after you have my xz anyways) of the tree "installed" with DESTDIR=/other-place make install or just a gzipped binary for single binaries, or the whole source tree with objects (ready to make install on the pandora). I recommend you atleast give out the exact version of what you're sharing and any edits to the build process so people know what they're getting and maybe a link to sources if you have it so that we are gpl compliant (you can say that you will link to sources if asked and still be compliant, and if you share a well known open source package with an exact version listed I think you can be lazy and link to sources if asked because they're anyways easily googled).

This thread might only end up being my object dump but I'm hoping it will be of some use for somebody.

And about my mplayer2. I had to remove --cpu=host from libav configuration and add this #if to


    c->prefetch = ff_prefetch_arm;

to have it build properly. I'll provide the source tree if asked, it is mplayer2-build git from 29.12.2012.



This is xz-5.0.4, nothing special (as an example for now). Note: the pandora os tar will know to use xz if you just xvf with this installed.


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Thanks for this thread...i also could add some prog myself that i have builded but don't have time or know how to build a proper PND of it.

I think also we need a proper section ( not a thread..) and some kind of repo where to include the sources..i suggest here for the moment

Another thing to add when we pubblish some compiled progs is some info of the prog/app just added maybe with a shot pic.

Thanks and happy new year. :)
You are free to use the file archive (and link here if you want to) if you feel it suits the task for what you are sharing better - I'm thinking mostly if you're sharing something that has an UI / is useful for non-developers too the file archive might be better. I'd use my home server but that can be offline at times and has a relatively slow uplink so I think that ED wont mind me using the forum file attachments for these smallish built dev tools & stuff like that I'm sharing. Atleast it is much better than some random fileshare on the net until we figure out a better way. For these things that I'm sharing the better way will propably be a properly built opkg package.

I'm now sharing the rest of what I mentioned in the first post, so there are no unfulfilled promises :P

This is m4-1.4.16 (built with --prefix=/usr as all other things that I'm sharing now )

The rest as named:

IIRC these three were somehow dependent of each other, and the Angstrom opkg package for bison and flex are/were broken and they dont exist yet on the pandora feed, so I'm just offering these binaries as a faster workaround than building them yourself (as I did).


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Perf if powerful profiling tool that's using Cortex-A8 performance counters (needs recent firmware with 3.2 kernel).

Quick instructions:

extract this anywhere on pandora, you'll get single huge (over 30MB) binary. Run some program that's using lots of CPU, it should preferably be compiled with debug symbols (-ggdb or at least -g GCC options) and should not be stripped.

Then just do:

sudo ./perf top

For example, "Microbes!" will show you:

    38.51%                 [.] memcpy
    12.78%        [.] neon_ARGBtoXRGBalpha
     7.91%             [.] 0x66dc  
     4.26%  microbes                    [.] 0xc12c  
     3.43%             [.] draw_hline_alpha_neon
Try "./peft help" for various other options.
Perf is part of kernel tree and falls under GPLv2 license, so you can distribute it according that license.
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This thread is dangerous.

gpicview (image viewer) attached.

extract straight to OS by typing

sudo tar xf gpicview-0.2.3.tar.gz -C /

Is default build, so you might want to remove locales first though for space reasons (similarly, you might want to remove man and info entries from other uploads in this thread).



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This is just a single binary of the hardlink tool from - version 0.2.0... I ran it on my NAND /usr and saved a few mb, have not rebooted yet though so no warranty :P

(Attach note: .tgz is not allowed but .tar.gz is ... meh)


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