Tyrian Interpreter?


Nov 18, 2005
since it seems aparent that even if dosbox does make it to the gp2x games like tyrian (the best shoot 'em up ever created for those whom havent heard of it!) probably wont run at full spead at least not unless on lowest detail

i've been wondering for awile about if anyone is working or thinking of working on an interpreter but i havent heard of any?

anyone know of anyone working on getting tyrian to the gp2x?

heres a link for people whom have never heard of it http://members.iinet.net.au/~vannevar/tyrian/index.html
since it seems aparent that even if dosbox does make it to the gp2x games like tyrian (the best shoot 'em up ever created for those whom havent heard of it!) probably wont run at full spead at least not unless on lowest detail

i've been wondering for awile about if anyone is working or thinking of working on an interpreter but i havent heard of any?

anyone know of anyone working on getting tyrian to the gp2x?

heres a link for people whom have never heard of it http://members.iinet.net.au/~vannevar/tyrian/index.html

This should be in Cool Ideas.

The only mention of source code here is a fleeting reference to turbo pascal - is it possible to port pascal?

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I don't see why not. There's a version of Pascal available for GBA that could serve as a starting point. I didn't see any source on the site but then I wasn't looking very hard.

Link 1
Link 2

i think Jazz Jackrabbit is TP and someones made an interpreter for that

OpenJazz is in C. I just checked the source for the PC version myself, just to be sure.
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it was never completed but the rom is available as is the GBC verison rom i beleive they are both available on that site link i posted
well the guy who runs that site is not the creator of hte game thats just the most active tyrian site i know of

though i think he may be able to contact the creator i shall email him and find out
since it seems aparent that even if dosbox does make it to the gp2x games like tyrian (the best shoot 'em up ever created for those whom havent heard of it!) probably wont run at full spead at least not unless on lowest detail
oh yeah tyrian i remember this one ... probably the best PC shmup in its time. But I don't think it's the best shoot'em up ever created :lol: Or maybe you should have added "the best shoot'em up ever created ON PC PLATFORM" ;)
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For me, Tyrian was the only shmup I *really* enjoyed, and, for that matter, got through more than once. Oh - and solar winds, of course :). Why? Both had heavy customizability, several modes of fire at once, an economy, and, moreso in solar winds but nonetheless, quite heavy storyline elements not present in the vast majority.

Normally, I'd say don't bother - I've contacted Epic before, and they've always responded with a polite email of complete and utter refusal to either release source or to port across commercially.

With Tyrian, it is a slightly different situation though - for the simple reason that with the release of Tyrian 2000 it became freeware. So the game is already available for free, and we know therefore that the developer (not the publisher - so Jason Emery) might be someone sensible to approach on the issue.

The main Tyrian 2K page seems to have gone down for now, seeing as it looks like they're uing a free host, but I think I've managed to extract a 3-year-old email for him out of an out of date site and sent him a source/port request. Who knows... he might still be using that one.
since it seems aparent that even if dosbox does make it to the gp2x games like tyrian (the best shoot 'em up ever created for those whom havent heard of it!) probably wont run at full spead at least not unless on lowest detail
oh yeah tyrian i remember this one ... probably the best PC shmup in its time. But I don't think it's the best shoot'em up ever created :lol: Or maybe you should have added "the best shoot'em up ever created ON PC PLATFORM" ;)

R-Type, 1942/3/4/5/x Eco Warrriors, raiden, Zero Wing, all the others i'd say tyrian ever so slightly kicks all therie asses :P
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