Well i thought of that already... It might be possible to make this work on the GP32, but you would first have to find a way to power the tuner (I guess it is bus powered, but the GP32 USB host delivers no power at all), and then code some GP32 software to actually use it (We'd need to reverse engineer the drivers/software)
IMO it could be done, but since i don't know how a usb tuner and a PC work together, all i said could be complete bullshit.
This is a USB TV tuner driver for Linux. It works with tuners using the USBVision chipset (a lot of them do). The sources are included, so it might be easier than i thought. Hmmm does anyone want to give it a try?
i think that would be very hard to do.. i think we cant use the drivers so easily, then we need to port also a tv program, sure there are also some.. but that means much work
i dont think that somebody would do this...
if the gp32 were released in europe i think we see one from some 3rd party companys but now... lets see