Turn Gpx2 Into A Pda With Gps?


Still Fresh
Jan 1, 2006
I just came across the add for this device. I have really not any idea what
can be done with it. But running on linux it should be possible to extend it, right?

From what I read in the website of gpx2 it can play music (both MP3 AND OGG!)
play movies and store/view pictures. Even play games. All good.

But I need more, unfortunatly. In order to be able to make a buy the device must also be usable as a PDA. I will need mostly to use it to read email, use GPS to guide me around in new cities and acssess some odd files every now and then. So I will fire up this "wishlist".

1: Is it possible to extend it via different cards, like one does with some PDA's? I.e. use a SD card with bluetooth to make it communicate with a GPS, maybe like the TomTom? Or maybe extend it with "jackets", like in the early days of PDA?

2: Any way to use it with a Wlan card of some sort? To use it in public wireless acsess points? (I have an old and heavy laptop, not ideal for field work, and need something lighter, yet not "light" :rolleyes: )

3: What kind of "office" apps can I run on this? Can I read OO documents?

4: IS there any calender applications written for it? Free or commerce?

5: Is there any roadmap for new versions? One that might include these whises?

6: Any good resource site for this GP2X? With info for newbies like me?

7: Any cribs, or docking stations avalilable?

8: How many slot(s) for SD cards?

9: Anyone that has taken this route allready? All info will be highly regarded.

Newbie with needs
I'll take the easy ones.

1. There is SDIO support so theoretically, yes, but drivers have to be developed in order for them to work and none have been so far.

3. At the moment there is only .txt support in GPH's e-book reader so some conversion may be needed. Of course, you might just have to rename some formats and a homebrew .pdf reader has already been released.

4. Not yet.

5. Not really. Edit: Although there is a list of what some homebrew developers are working on on the wiki.

6. http://wiki.gp2x.org/wiki/Main_Page

7. Nope

8. 1

9. Uhh, what?
Thx 4 the reply.

Nice link. Will read up. There are some light wordlike apps allready working fine for linux, maybe an easy port? Not memory hungry like OO.

Does anyone know if there is possible to emulate pocketpc OS if loaded into a SD card? then one could run apps from there?
im no pro but id say no as far as i know palm os and windows ce are closed source but thare is a windows ce port to xbox so that could be possable im no devver or nething but i would have thourght windows ce would be memory hungry as the xbox port of win ce is realy slow (and poo) hope that helps

also welcome to the forums
Hmm use the Ipod Shuffle for storage and then use the SD slot for extensions, Ipod run on it's own power, and it's cracked so shows up like a harddrive. Great.
Read more in this thread

Ok so might be possible to work around the slot shortage. Then a bluetooth connects to the cellphone or wlan and with the porting of a browser one can read emails on a far bigger screen the the cell phone. This must be doable.

So, what to do with the GPS needs.Any comments, or thoughts?

What about the EXT port? Does people know how it works? Will this be usefull for my purpose? Any ways one can use them to achive a PDA like behavior?
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the usb on the gp2x is slave not host so if u we to plug a usb device into it then i couldnt detect it sorry to be the bringer of bad news all the time lol, i think SDIO is the best route to go down but we need drives,

come on devs plezz
Hmm. That is bad news, beanfarmer.
Ok so what can we possible do with the EXT? All them connectors must lead somewhere. :lol:
Could one make or buy a sort of connector that hooks up to the EXT port, and will take on USB or other drives? Come on here, this must be doable?

The EXT must be the answer for my prayers? This was how they extended PDA's a while back. Made jackets for GSM, or whatever they needed.They where highly availeable too.

Because of the non-bulit in support/chips for bluetooth/wlan in order to use it to send IM's, use it a remote control or check up on email one need to use the SD slot for hardware OR storage. Which means you need to either get the the files stored elsewhere, or make extensions packs elsewhere. There is a fairly large market for SD cards with built in wlan/bluetotth and whatever else you need, so using them would be easy and doable.

But then you have no place to store your files......chicken or the egg problem...

Using a thumb drive/usb drive would be a nice and fairly cheap solution for storage. This must be possible to do via the EXT? Kind of like the early cellphone clik-on cameras for ie Ericsson.

C'mon, give me some good news here. Now I am so fired up on this gp2x that I would just love to get one.
the only thing i know that uses the EXT port is the tv out cable @tm also wouldnt any device useing it need drivers?

also sandisk have that new SDIO card with 256mb storage (i think) so not realy much of a problem with that also could u link me to site selling EXT stuff for pdas sounds interesting?

oo i just remembered theres more stuff bout the EXT port on the wiki http://wiki.gp2x.org/wiki/Main_Page
Well, don't take it personally, but,
It seems you need PDA not handheld multimedia device, aren't you?
I don't understand why you are interested in GP2x with all those needs (frankly, with that requirements, I even doubt you are interested)

A simple PDA will do all those tasks.
Hey assumption is the mother of all fxxkupz:-)

I would need the PDA function, but the gaming/video/music features are all amazing. All that can not be done on a PDA. And I do not need one PDA and one gp2x, cause then I just as well could be buying a neat little ULP laptop. A new ULP laptop would do all of this of course, but would cost more $$.

So I am looking into the possibilities of extending the gp2x to meet my needs.

And belive it or not I am way interested. With a little extension the gp2x would meet my everday need for a hanheld device and give me great gaming when away from the gaming pc. With them long hauls on a train or plain I could kill time watching a movie, read up on the latest from the boss, do a little writing and then when present in a new city I could use the GPS to get to the destination painlessly. How is that for an all in one device?

And yet it would be cheaper then forking 2.000 euros or more on a ultra portable laptop.
The Tapwave Zodiac does not excist anymore if memory serves me right.
That would be a solution, but I am to much of a chicken to buy from online auctions.......
Hmm. Still opting for a Zodiac would not be the ultimate solution. Cause when they cut production or company went bust one can not excpect to see any official releases of updates, and there will be little drive for the community to keep developing stuff for a non-excisting device. I will however liquer up on whiskey and see if I can sample enough currage to make a go at a online auction. Maybe if the price is right.....

Because of the drive from the community I think the best way is to actually go for the gp2x. I truely belive the needs can be worked out.

Keep posting.
doesnt the (dare i say it) gizmondo have built in gps?
i have no idea how well it works but it might be a better option for your needs?
Hmm I will try to track some of the Ipaq jackets manufactorers. I belilve some of them run basesment/garage type of operations,or so I am told, but they where able to meet the "public" demands for PDA extensions.

I will send some emails and see what I can come up with. It is amazing what skilled people with copper bits, steady hands and a ABC of electronics device can ccok up.

I am sure there is a way to fix the lack of more ports for the GP2X.
And a ssoon as that is fixed, the rest of the application porting I do myself. Well at least the apps I will be needing.

Will be amazing getting dual processor in a handheld:-)
doesnt the (dare i say it) gizmondo have built in gps?
i have no idea how well it works but it might be a better option for your needs?

Hmm. Will read up on this as well. Sure have a lot of features. Running Win CE though. Would prefer Linux.

TFT screen ~ 240 x 320 pixels
400 Mhz ARM9 from Samsung
128-bit 3D Graphics accelerator from Nvidia
GPS tracking application
GPS mapping application
MP3 playback
MIDI/WAV formats
Windows Media Player 9
MPEG 4 video playback
JPEG camera
SD flash card reader
Mini-USB client
Bluetooth class 2 for multiplayer gaming
Temperature range 0°C to 55°C
Removable SIM card
Removable battery
Polyphonic ring tones
Stereo headset socket for MP3 and games
Flight Mode
GSM tri-band
GPRS Class 10
WAP 2.0
MMS receive and send

What I see from the spec are low resolution screen.The screen is also almost 1 -one- inch smaller then GP2X. Not good.And belive it or not, supporting MMS, SMS and having a SIM card it does not support oral communication. How about that....Well? Using twin sim card from operator that support this is possible though. But still not user friendly.

I am not sure it is possible to play Divx movies. And that would be a bummer for me. No voice recorder is a little strange too, when this gadget holds som many other features.

Anyone tried one? Might be the wrong forum to ask, but I take my chances:-)


Disregard my last post. The new version of Gizmondo is what I am looking for!
BEtter processor, 500 mhz, wlan, Bluetooth 2.0, 4.0" screen with 480x280 res, GSM voice,build in handsfree, TV out, USB 2.0 with HOST so you can use prepowered USB drives. Fenonomal storage.

Will be out late first or second Q' 2006.

Would prefer a Linux box, but I guess I will settle for this.it is what I need and then some. Just wondering about the games.
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