Trade My Ds Bundle For Your Gp2x

The Moose

Nov 11, 2003
Hey Everyone, as of right now, I'm just checking out what kind of interest I may get for this. I do love my new DS, and want to see first what I may be able to get for it. So without further ado, heres what I have:

-Nintendo DS Silver/gray System, stlus, handstrap, AC Adaptor. Bottom screen has its wear, but both screens are still great.

-Puyo Pop Fever
-Sonic Rush
-Nintendogs (chiuahawah)
-Mario Kart DS
-Metroid Pinball

(all DS games are complete)

(GBA carts only)

Now, what Im looking for is a second edition GP2x (there out now, right?) either 2 or 3 1gb SD cards, an intact screen protector, and thats about it. Box and Manual would be nice if available. If interested, you can PM me, or email me at

Thanks for looking!
Now, what Im looking for is a second edition GP2x (there out now, right?)
Well, if by second edition you mean the revised edition that lik-sang is waiting for, no. But I guess it makes sense calling the current units second edition because the first shipment said "first edition" on them and the new ones don't. However, as far as I can tell, the only difference between the two is the "first edition" writing on the initial shipment. They might have worked out a few of the soldering problems (which aren't on all units), but there are no significant upgrades.
Im just concerned about the poor quality of the headphone jack, and I guess thats about it. TV out quality, but from what I understand, thats software related?

And to be honest, if someone bites, ill give my DS up most likely.
I have a DS with no wear at all, and would gladly swap it for a GP2X no sweat, i think you need to lower your demands a bit.
WTF? :huh: How can you even expect a trade with such demands? A DS(good condition) with 5 games is barely worth a GP2X, and you want 2 1gig cards? :blink: I mean that in no offense, just lower you demands if you expect a trade.

P.S. Good luck on getting your GP2X, I'm waiting until the official release! :P
i have two GP2X's, with another one the way. my first one was one of the 'first batch' GP2X's, with the 'LCD goes wobbly if you move the joystick' issue .. this was well and truly fixed in the second one, as was the problem with the headphone jack.

so the only 'first generation' problem is with the initial very-first-factory-run batch of GP2X's; this has now been fixed, and the GP2X hardware is sweet and fast .. though my second GP2X doesn't say "first edition" on it, heh heh.

and no, i'm not interested in a trade for the DS, even though i've got more GP2X than i need .. i just simply can't be bothered hacking around to try to get things running on DS when its soooo easy to get code running on GP2X, hah hah! ;)
i have two GP2X's, with another one the way. my first one was one of the 'first batch' GP2X's, with the 'LCD goes wobbly if you move the joystick' issue .. this was well and truly fixed in the second one, as was the problem with the headphone jack.

so the only 'first generation' problem is with the initial very-first-factory-run batch of GP2X's; this has now been fixed, and the GP2X hardware is sweet and fast .. though my second GP2X doesn't say "first edition" on it, heh heh.

and no, i'm not interested in a trade for the DS, even though i've got more GP2X than i need .. i just simply can't be bothered hacking around to try to get things running on DS when its soooo easy to get code running on GP2X, hah hah! ;)

Why the fuck did you just post here for no reason? :angry:
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