Possibly Selling My Nintendo Ds


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2004
Fiirst off I know this is a GP32 forum but since there is a lot of interest in the DS here as well I didn't think it'd be a problem to post this.

I'm thinking of possibly selling my Nintendo DS. I want to hold off until I finally locate and buy a GP32 BLU, OR possibly buy a Tapwave Zodiac, but after I get one of those I dont think I'm going to have much use for the DS.

Anyways, I just thought I'd test the waters, and see what kind of money people were willing to pay for a used one.

It's a US version, and will come with the metroid hunters demo, and also Super mario 64 DS. I still have all the original packaging and manuals. The touch screen has a couple hairline scratches on it... there were no screen covers available when I purchased it (I got it two days before release date), and since I played the metroid demo using the stylus as a controll device, it was impossible to avoid... and trust me i TRIED to be gentle with it. There are now screen covers available, and I may have some on there by the time I sell it. Anyways the scratches are invisible in all but the brightest of lighting conditions... outdoors on a sunny day the sun may glare off of them but otherwise they are unnoticeable with the backlit screen. Also there is one messed up pixel (supposedly this is pretty common, according to the game store by my house), it is at the very topmost edge of the screen and does not affect gameplay at all. It was like this the moment I turned it on. Anyways, the system is otherwise brand new, and I haven't been playing it much.

Well, if you're at all interested post with your offer... and please don't try to dick down the price bigtime due to the scratches or pixel, I KNOW these are hard to get right now so if you want one badly enough these things shouldn't matter too much to you. Don't worry I'm not trying to get more than the cost of a new one retail or anything like that, just dont want to take TOO big a loss either.
heh wow no interest <_< :D

well my gp32_console should be in the mail by the end of the day and at my door within a week. I ordered it with some DS screen protectors as well, so that would be included if/when I sell.

I'll know within a day or two of getting the GP32 if I like it enough to get rid of the DS.
Unfortunately the dead pixels seem 'somewhat common' I use to work at Game Stop, and keep in touch with my friends who still work at a few of the stores around here. Apparently there is like a 1 in 8 or 1 in 10 chance of getting a DS with dead pixels. They've had a few people complain but Nintendo has specified that they DONT want stores to accept returns, but rather, have the people who have the dead pixels return the units direct to nintendo.

The scratches... well... oh well, IMO it's impossible to keep scratches off the screen w/o a screen cover on there. You've NO idea how careful I am with my portable systems. As I said... if only they'd had screen covers available when I bought mine.

Ah well I had already ordered the BLU from that shop anyways, so probably wouldn't have been interested in a trade. I'm actually thinking of asking $150 for the system with mario, plus whatever shipping is.
I would have bought it from you instantly but unfortunately I got mine from eBay a few days ago. I would be interested in hearing why you came to sell it (in PM perhaps) and I hope you do sell it because scratches are nothing, my iPod screen is covered with them and it looks normal, and dead pixels are usually easy to ignore when you're playing a game.

My TFT has developed a large dark patch where I knocked it and it's invisible while I'm gaming - this man's DS is in good condition, so don't hold off buying it. The one you buy from a retail store will probably be worse.
I gotta say i got mine brand new and when i opened it had had one dead pixel right in the middle of my top screen but it really isnt a problem and isnt noticable when playing :D
Dead pixels irritate me, my eyes always go to that one spot trying to spot it out...grrr...$150? You really should sell it on ebay, you could easily get $250 for it.