Castaway Gamma Fix For Poor Flu Owners


emu parasite kid
Oct 17, 2003
Melbourne, Australia
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Not meaning to sound ungrateful for such a great emulator, but is a gamma/brightness fix or option on the books to be added to this already near perfect emulator?

I've had my gp32 FLU for over 2 years now and Castaway has remained my most used emulator with ST games taking up more room on my SMCs than any other system.

The thing is with hardware moving on as it has I really don't plan on getting a BLU and am really happy with my FLU... So I guess what I'm getting at is... is it even a remote possibility that this is being planned?

I ended up buying a PPC pda recently and even at 400mHz the gp version of castaway totally pwns it, well besides the gamma anyway.

Sorry if I sound like a whiny bitch... Awesome emu besides the darkness Skeezix :D
Well if you don't sound like a whiny bitch, I certaintly will. I don't even use castaway anymore because the brightness is absolutely appalling on FLU's and I'm sure NLU's as well. It pisses me off that what otherwise would be a great emulator lacks decent gamma adjustment when virtually every other emulator (incl the ancient c16 one) has better gamma options. It's not as if this hasn't been mentioned innumerable times in the past as well.

I hope something is done about it...But I won't be holding my breath :(
wow. Since Skeezix tested Castaway when coding it on his FLU, and I bought his FLU, than i got really lucky because Castaway looks brilliant on my FLU. Thanks again for the great FLU unit Skeezix :)

pwn is the noob version of own, like in online games in PK, i got pwned by another player, i got owned by another player.
*g8 KW has my blessed GP32 :) (blessed for CaSTaway anyway :P)

But hes nailed it.. I developed CaSTaway mostly on the FLU and thought it looked pretty good.. gamam was always asked for by folks with a NLU, of which IO'm not sure how many are around..

I did do a cheap colour brightness (saturation) hack, but never a true gamma .. but I thoguht it was pretty good on FLU?

If not I can look into it..

skeezix posted on Jul 13 2005 at 03:11 PM said:
*g8 KW has my blessed GP32 :) (blessed for CaSTaway anyway :P)

But hes nailed it.. I developed CaSTaway mostly on the FLU and thought it looked pretty good.. gamam was always asked for by folks with a NLU, of which IO'm not sure how many are around..

I did do a cheap colour brightness (saturation) hack, but never a true gamma .. but I thoguht it was pretty good on FLU?

If not I can look into it..


Skeezix, if a gama correction could be put in that would be great. I've also got an FLU but Castaway is too dark on it so I don't really use Castaway. If it's too much trouble that's cool too but if you get the time it would be greatly appreciated.

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As long as mucking with the gamma doesn't screw with how it looks on the BLU. It looks perfect on the BLU, wouldn't change a thing for that.
yeah, thats the rub -- so far theres no real consistent way to determine if an app is running on a BLUE, FLU, or NLU (or which version of the BLU even, right?) OR did people standardize on the textfile proposals or the like?

Anyway, so I'd do it like it does now.. turn on a correction if you want (as it lokes awesome on the BLU, for sure). Perhaps FLU's vary in brightness...

Withotu a FLU, its of course hard to test :)

Maybe gamma/brightness/contrast adjusters would be a better idea. Some games look ok but others are just way to dark and adjusting the brightness just brings all the colours closer to white which doesnt help much.