Tower Toppler 1.1.13 Gp2x (port) Released


Active Member
Mar 29, 2006
Well it took me some work but i finally have an initial release of Tower Toppler 1.1.13 for the gp2x. In this game you have to help a cute little green animal switch off some kind of "evil" mechanism. The "power off switch" is hidden somewhere in high towers. On your way to the target you need to avoid a lot of strange robots that guard the tower. That sounds all like a normal jump and run game. What makes this game different is that you walk arond the tower which is revolving on the screen, so that you only see the 180° that are currently visible. It's a very nice game to play on the gp2x.

Here's a screenshot:

The game can be downloaded here
More information (about the port) and screenshots availible here
More info about the orginal tower toppler game this port is based on can be found here
Parkydr said:
Is this game different from this?

yes it is, well depends on what your refering to. It's the same gameplay yes. However the one that was in the archive already is a port based on the gba version, without sounds and music. The version i ported is the last one availible (1.1.13) from with sounds music and better graphics and released somewhere in july/august this year :)
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Anyone who has not played this game is in for a treat. It was a critically acclaimed game in the late 8-bit / early 16 bit era and is still very fun today.
skeezix said:
Awwwwwwesome; always a fan of Nebulus on the ST. Nice one :)

This is one of the ST games I own that I like better than the Amiga version. I'd like to try this version as well. Never hurts to try another version of Nebulus. :) Thanks!
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Wow, a port of the version that got me hooked to Nebulus (never liked it when it was originally released on the C64 for some reason). I'll have to give this one a go.

Thanks for the conversion.
i remember playing this on my c64. it frustrated the h*ll out of me. i got the same feeling playing this version.. but this looks way cooler than that port.
imhotep said:
I just wish volume control worked on this port. Very loud on my MK2.
hmm. u can actually change volume but only in the game itself (not in the menu's) Try it out, it should work.
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joyrider said:
u can actually change volume but only in the game itself (not in the menu's)
Just realised that gmenu can be used to set the volume to whatever level I want. Perfect!
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Thanks for the nice port joyrider :) The game is very enjoyable and is smoother than the other port in the archive.