touchscreen not working/glitching


Feb 9, 2006
my touchscreen suddenly stopped working for no reason at all.i tried the calibration app but nothing,its like the touchscreen is not even enabled.i rebooted a couple of times and it works, but it seems to stop suddenly again at random,or randomly glitching,causing the cursor to go straight to the top of the screen,no matter how hard i try to pull it down,it will always go up.if i touch random point of the screen repeteatly,then it works again,but i don't know how long will it lasts.i'm on the latest superzaxxon.any help?
Is there some dirt unter the bezel pressing it down all the time?
Or bad seating. Happens sometimes with my old case.

Is battery removal known to solve some TS issues ?
Or do you have the charger connected?

If the charger is broken or bad, such things can happen, too.
Top middle? Then it's pretty clear. The top middle clip has snapped out. Push it back in and that's it :)
no the charger wasn't in,but i'm trying now that clip thing evildragon said
the clips looked ok but i forced them in a little bit and so far so good,the ts is still working:-)