GP32 Top Books To Learn C/c++


Mar 25, 2004
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I just wanted to get everyone's opinion. I'm a Computer Science major at the end of my freshman year. Unfortunately I won't even have classes in C until my Junior year, so I want to know what books people recommend for learning C/C++ so I could do some programming for the GP32 since I love my little GP so much B) So which books do/have you used? How effective and thorough are they?

Thank You. I think that anyone who wishes to program could look at this topic as a starting point.
well, this is kinda a bump because I would like an answer also?
I know there is a C for dummies , and I read the first few chaps and it was pretty neat!

i suggest you reading the kernighan eand ritchie for c...
and, for a more in depth look at the practical aspetcs of the language, look at the herbert schildt c guides.
for c++, you MUST buy stroustrup's c++ book, but that at a more advanced level..
for the basics, stick to any c++ book you like (or simply study c first...if you want to learn c++ you can first study c on the kernighan and ritchie book, then study on the stroustrup)
Thanks for the replies guys! =) Im gonna order some of the books now(I found C for Dummies for only 5 bucks). Anyone know the difference between first and second edition because I found two different statements. One said Second edition covers things the require reading first edition to understand. The other says that it's just first edition with some extra features wrapped in.(also Second edition is like 15 bucks more)