GP32 Wat Shud I Learn

Mar 4, 2004
Dorchester, UK
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right, i wanna start codin, and am going to "borrow" some coding books off a buddy. i think most gp dev'ers us c or c++ or summit, should i learn this first, or should i take my other option, and learn vb first?
Basically you should learn plain C first (even though most people nowadays thjnk object oriented programming is easier). Learn to write small textmode applications, learn how pointers work and then read the SDK docs. You should get that then. ;)
I can't actually code for the GP32 myself, but I can code VB and I am fairly sure VB is of no use whatsoever for GP32. Stick with C.
Having said that, C is a much harder language to get into. I have completed a few tutorials but never really managed to do anything myself with it. I have had VB thrust upon me at work and found it quite easy once you get the hang of the editor and syntax.
Skop posted on Apr 16 2004 at 09:41 PM said:
I think you should learn how to spell first, mate.
Haha I was going to suggest that very same thing when I read the topic :)

As for VB, its not as different as you think. Programming is programming, no matter what language you use, the concept, structure, and style will always remain the same. The only difference is the language you choose to do those in.

VB does A LOT for you behind your back, so you really dont get to experiance first hand all of the niances of the lower level of programing, if you like VB I highly suggest getting into PB (PowerBasic 6 & 7) learn how to manipulate memory, how to mix in some ASM here and there, and more of the lower level functions, then hit up C/C++.
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Skop posted on Apr 16 2004 at 04:29 PM said:
It's amazing how punctuation and spelling can increase the atmosphere and 'air' of a forum/discussion board, wouldn't you say?

what what? spiffing.
screwing with your post is fine, but the topic shouldn't be messed with...what if some noob wants to be polite and not make a new post...they are searching for "what should i learn?" when they can't find it because some one typed "wat shud i learn?" :rolleyes: mess with your post as much as you want...but for the sake of newbies just spell the topic right...
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anyway, back to the original theme of programming languages:
can i use Notepad to write C, then just save it as a *.c file? (kinda like using it to write html then save as *.htm/*.html)
yes altough I would reccomend ConText as it has syntax highlighting. If you are just learning C on the PC then try Bloodsheds DevCpp which is free IDE that works with any compiler....
I find it a lot easier to code straight into notepad... it does make you feel more in control of what you're doing.

Incidentally, I got a Rex 6000 and coding for that is quite fun :) - it uses zcc but it all works in a very similar way to the standard devkitadv setup for GP32.

It's a lot easier to code for than GP32, but it's limited by the monochrome screen and programs have to be less than 8k... so it's a challenge! I'm trying to rewrite Air Rage on it as a first project.
