Tony Hawks N-GAGE


Nov 4, 2003
Uk,NW England.
I played on this and it was brilliant would it be possible to have a port maybe or a n-gage emu?I dont really know much at all about the n-gage so please give me a proper answer.
You wont be able to emulate an n-gage because it is too powerful. The gp32 would probably need to be al least 8x more powerful to emulate it. As for a port it certinally would be possible but you need the source code which nobody would be able to get. hope this helps :P
Well, ngage too powerful? No man, the problem is not that.

Ngage runs an ARM cpu 108mhz. one custom gfx chip (16bit color handling) that only does the work to execute strings and basically, is not very complex in architecture terms. Sound chip is also a low-media type, the gp32 is too much powerfull than it. The problem, talkin about emulation , is the OS: symbian , in fact, it's hard to emulate since nokia and symbian currently SDK dev. tool it's not that deep into resources...and no one is using it right now lol. Anyway, u can grab the sdk dev tool from nokia site. Emulate an N-gage, in other terms, needs the emulation of the OS itselfs. so it's hard to say that in the near future there will be an ngage emulator....for now, there is only one and it's for that java games: It's called Game Station and is very kewl.

EDIT: j2me emulator, as i say, it's available to buy. It runs nearly all series40,60 games whitout problems. BUT ngage games r symbian ones and uses the architecture and scalability of the OS (Symbian 6.1) that is not java. that os can handle , if well ram equipped, 3D games whit no problem. Take a peek to the first dumped ngage games: when u open the rar is only system folders, dll and exes...encrypted, all of them--- talk about encryption, nokia done a good work itselfs....but hacker already done a better one. lol
I meant a portbecause there are no decent games like tony hawks or half-life on the gp32 just stuff like cartoony anime,But it puts down anime aswell.
hay ass, ive seen ya get shit b4 for askin for non opensource ports, so wht the f**ks the point indoin it all over agai
fuck u dude, have u seen all the marked topics on this part of the forum, there all about not askin for a port of a closedsource game, yet this is the second time ive seen u do it. What the fucks the point in askin for a port of a game thats closed source, its not goin to happen.

why the fuck do u flame me for pointin out the stupidity in ur request.
Your a fucking dumbass, learn to spell, I don't care if english is your second language, before you ask something, look into it, these peoples time isn't spent here to be wasted on stupidity.