Setting Up A Basic Dev Env For Now


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
(Still don't have the 2x unit, but since jr2 shipped it out 10 or more days ago it should be any time now I'd hope :)

My various *ix boxes are headless in the basement (osx, freebsd, linux, etc) so not optimal for mobile unit dev since the PDAs and such I dev for are usually hooked up to a windows xp box (since thats what pays the bills, unfortuntely :) -- though I suppose I could set up smbd on the *ix boxes so as to build there and install from there.. but anyway, for sake of argument and getting a dumb 'hello world' type applet built, I thought it'd be easy tro set up devkitpro for now, until I build all my own toolsets up.

Poking around he dev wiki, the obvious thing to do is pick up the 30MB msys devkitgp2x setup (who built that one up anyway?) .. so my questions boil down to this..

1) I merged it in with an existing devkitpro setup (devkitpsp), easily enough; course, arm-linux-sdl-config points to the wrong place, but hell with it :)

2) arm-linux-sdl-config, or arm-linux-open2x-sdl-config.. presumably trheres two separate SDL lib sets installed (I didn't look) .. which is preferable? Given the gcc is 4.0.2, its not compatible with GPH's 2.95 libSDL, so this suggests only one SDL install.. so why two sdl-configs?

3) gcc 4.0.2 (yay!) -- is float to h/w supported, or only s/w floats?

4) SDL is a relatively recent version I think, but obviously it lacks h/w scaling and such of course; no biggy.

5) Looks like a decent setup; is anything horridly out of date? Looks like a pretty good place to start really .. I'll just wrap up some gp2x stuff with my zotlib and should be good to compile some stuff as soon as I get my 2x :) (Already built hello world to a gpe of course, not that I know if it works :P)

I suppose all that sums up to.. with tht 30MB download.. am I good enough for knocking out static linked pretty decent apps, or should I just go ahead and build up my own environment from scratch? (don't want to kill the day that'll take :)

Ah, well, I suspect Franxis used it for MAME .. so good enough for him, good enough for a little while for sure :)


DevKitGP2X (WinterMutes GCC package) uses the same patches as my Open2x scripts but has the big plus point of not requireing Cygwin as he got it all working on Windows via MinGW (you have to build gLibC on a Linux box and move over the files but that's a side point ;), it does not effect end users so who cares).

The Open2x SDL config you have I suspect means you have some libs that where built with a compiler made from Open2x scripts, as DevKitGP2X shares the patches and build config those libs should be fine. There are efforts to add some cool H/W support to SDL but that is taking time, use the libs you have and update when you need to :).