
can they be assigned different types of AI, like attack every monster within a certain radius or run and hide whenever an enemy comes near.
c0ncept posted on May 9 2004 at 08:27 PM said:
can they be assigned different types of AI, like attack every monster within a certain radius or run and hide whenever an enemy comes near.
Hiya, yer - you can select the AI, but its limited at the moment as i only coded in the basics.

select a character, hover over and press SELECT and goto "Edit"

on AI press left/right to find one you want, cowardly runs and takes potshots from a distance, physco runs straight at you and keeps whacking and normal waits untul the weapon is charged up and then attacks as normal.

the team setting is usefull to, as basically anybody who isnt on the same team is considered a threat.

hope that helps, i'll be adding more AI as time goes on such as Henchmen who follow the player around etc
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one more thing, is there a 'guard' style AI. Meaning, until a player does a cetrtain thing they present no threat, but once triggered they attack.
not yet, that'll be a new hotspot function where you can change a entitys stats - so for example, you can make a hotspot at the castle door, and when you approach it the guards will get the 'team' changed so they are enemys and therefore will come and kick ur ass, then u can have another hotspot which is at the castle bridge which will change their team back to allys so if you leave the castle they'll stop attacking.

hotspots are pretty much my solution to everything, as they are easy to setup using only a D-pad and no scripting
lol, I like it.

I can't wait till tomorrow, I hand in my last project and can spend four months doing nothing!! I expect to have at least half a game done by the end of the summer... ;)
Started on my M&L:SS tileset and its looking sexy, theres a lot of animation, so n e one wh wants the tile set will either have no animation or need to do quite a bit to configure it all

BTW pirotic, when sed u could take out x amount of tiles at a time so u can lay a house or a large item all in one go, will it be possible with animations too coz at the moment i have a fountain that takes up 16 tiles and i have to have an animation for each tile, and its just a bit time consuming, at the moment half of the fountain ins working the other half is still, looks a little surreal
mattmagoo posted on May 9 2004 at 09:05 PM said:
Started on my M&L:SS tileset and its looking sexy, theres a lot of animation, so n e one wh wants the tile set will either have no animation or need to do quite a bit to configure it all

BTW pirotic, when sed u could take out x amount of tiles at a time so u can lay a house or a large item all in one go, will it be possible with animations too coz at the moment i have a fountain that takes up 16 tiles and i have to have an animation for each tile, and its just a bit time consuming, at the moment half of the fountain ins working the other half is still, looks a little surreal
never really thought about it, in the current version you'll have to just bare with it im afraid, i'll see if i can think of a way of making it easier - something to do with offsets maybe, so u can just say the animation moves 4 tiles across the tilemap each frame or something.. dunno, i'll think about it :)
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Emails sent, PMs answered, new set started

Drumroll......................heres 4 hours work on one little sheet, ripping from M&L takes year coz its uses several different tiles for the same thing, like a floor so it doesnt get repeptietive, as u can see some images may look exactly the same as 3 others (fountain, grid on floor, light) Thats because each one is different so u can hae moing images (fountain spurts, lights flickers, fan under floor spins) this took me a while, but i think when its finished itll look proffessional


Its a work in progress and i havent checkd all the tiles on my GP32 so dont critiscise me yet (u can do that wen i finish it 2moro)

4got to mention y it took me so long, I started M&L when i got home from college, even tho id palyed it b4 i had to start it agen, so to get to all thegood scenery i had to work my way thru the game, which is y there arent any Bean Kingdom tiles yet, and im gonna make moving water and water falls like my PKMN tiles

and pirotic:, is there a blank set for special fx coz mario and luigi has a cool fog effect wen ure near water but i dont know how the bitmap is set out


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