Tikka Dungeons


Still Fresh
Jul 14, 2007
London, UK
Tikka Dungeons is an upcoming adventure/ tactical RPG game for the GP2X.
It will be a commercial release and will be available as a download archive.

The game was involved into the GBAX 2007 contest with a poorly and quickly released demo.
A lot of work has been done since, and a new demo will be available soon :)

quick screenshot:

Check out the website: it contains more information and other early screenshots of the game.

More to come very soon...

Marvelous sreenshot. Good luck for you and your team, tikka.

Zacaj, the character will move on a rail, as in Valkyrie Profile
See video:

But as a GP2X is not a PS2, the background will be prerended 3d ;)
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I'm afraid you'll have to be a little more patient (a couple of days) since the current state of the game doesn't meet my quality expectations for a public demo release!

But yeah, the wholeproject is going pretty well ;)
very nice, the only thing that left me disappointed is the fact that you saved your prerendered scenarios in 32k colors without an error diffusion filter before, this creates color bands that makes your scenarios looks ugly for a commercial game, for example the roof here

If you've the original true color files just apply an error diffusion filter before saving in 24bit to have a better quality, expecially on prerendered 3d that uses a lot of color scales.
I know it's a WIP so good luck! it's an huge and interesting project.
Don't worry about those screens quality.
They're not so good because they are screenshots from the PC version of the game running under OS X.
The game looks better on the actual screen of the console.

The demo has to be delayed by one more week, time to get things more polished...