Thunar keyboard shortcuts


Very Active Member
Jun 22, 2013
I came across this page:

On the Pandora, the settings are in ~/Applications/Settings/Thunar/ , and uca.xml can be made to appear by going to Edit -> Configure Custom Actions, and e.g. changing the description of the terminal action. Then make sure all the Thunar windows are closed before editing the files or they'll get overwritten.

accels.scm uses these strings minus the GDK_KEY_ part (case sensitive):

Now for the regular shortcuts, it all worked out. I changed "delete" to Control+D. For back/forward/up/down, the default Alt+DPad combinations were a bit awkward on the Pandora (and Control+DPad and Shift+DPad are used for selecting groups of files) so I changed them to Control+GameButtons. Control+Home seemed to be the "go to home folder" shortcut by default, and I had to change that to something else (used Alt+Home).

However, the shortcuts for custom actions don't seem to be supported on the Pandora: uca.xml doesn't have a unique-id field (and adding one doesn't help). Also, on the desktop, the keyboard shortcut for "Open Terminal Here" only works how I want when nothing is selected, and I don't see a way to easily deselect all the files with the keyboard. Any ideas what to do here?
Thanks. Though it doesn't seem to be in the accels.scm file so maybe can't change it for the Pandora.

The main question is is there some way I can open a terminal in the current folder on the Pandora with a keyboard shortcut, and preferably only one rather than a sequence?

On the desktop I mostly use PCManFM, which does the right thing for terminal but doesn't seem to have the "down" action.