THQ sacks San Diego team during E3; Hopes news will be buried


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2008
News of this appalling piece of behaviour just reached my ears: THQ sacked its San Diego team today, seemingly hoping that the news would be overlooked as a result of lots of E3 news that's currently showing up.

I don't think I'd want to work for an employer that handles things like this in such a fashion.
Shouldn't this be in the other consoles section. :P
No, because it's not about a console or even a game. :blink: Moreover, I'm the one that leaves stuff like this in Off Topic, since it feels more like such discussion fits in just fine here... ;)

Also, nice name-change. ;)
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^ It is one. I like it. :)

Anyway, yeah, not impressed with THQ, for some reason, here. I hope they at least had the decency to let the employees know first.
Sorry to hear it. :( You didn't come across tersely or rudely, at least, so don't let that worry you.
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I'm reminded of that time a few years ago, when "ea_spouse" was blogging. I don't know if you followed that at the time, but that was one of those times when stuff in this sort of vein hit the headlines, too.
Yeah I remember that, the EA staff members partners were complaining about their partners stupidly long working hours, I remember they also brought a lawsuit against EA and won.
Cool + thanks, anyway as for THQ I don't fancy working for them either if that's how they treat their staff.
I went to a coders convention in Doncaster many years ago (just after the EA guy died, allegedly due to being overworked) and we spent over an hour listening to various coders that had worked for EA (and some other companies). The horror stories flowed like water from a tap - mainly about EA, :(