This Sound Problem

its not like its a big deal, sure gameparks workmanship is semi-shoddy big deal! they don't have the same finances as nintendo so we can't really demand for them to improve! Way i see it is we are privilaged to have such an excellent console so we should just look over the minor flaws and look at the major good points
Shrike posted on May 14 2003 said:
its not like its a big deal, sure gameparks workmanship is semi-shoddy big deal!
No, it isn't. I think it's an pretty well built and cleanly designed console, and I've seen worse quality from much bigger players than GP. The audio signal is getting switched in the headphone jack (between headphones and speakers), so maybe they made their tests with one kind of headphone jack and for mass production used another with a slightly different pinout. Shit happens, and as long as it's so easy to change (ok, it was a bit of work, but actually very simple), I won't complain.

I'd rather take this great microswitch-joystick-pad and a confused pair of stereo speakers than a wobbly joypad and a mono speaker :rolleyes:

I haven't had so much fun with a piece of hardware for ages, so I'm quite forgiving. ;)
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Hmmmmmmm, ok

After reading the other post on this subject:

I've just been into test mode and tried it.
With both the internal speakers & headphones, the left & right seems to swap.
eg: if I press the L button, it will come out the right, next time out the right, then swap to the left, then seems to come out of both speakers.
Same if I press the R button.

What is going on there then? As I say, its the same with headphones or the speakers.
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god, big deal. If your headphones are unlugged it doesnt matter if they are reversed becuase the speakers are so close its like mono. If you use headphones and you have the same problem (jeez is it that big of a deal) you can reverse the channels with a mp3 tool or go to radio shack and buy a plug that reverses channels, or you can rewire your headphones. The last and best thing you can do is what i did, forget about it because its not even a problem that is noticable.
MikeyB posted on May 27 2003 said:
What is going on there then? As I say, its the same with headphones or the speakers.
It should be right with headphones. Turn them around by exactly 180 degrees. That should help... :D

The built-in speakers are reversed by all GPs except mine :P (patched them internally)
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or! put your headphones in your other ear, then the sound is magically reversed
Just rotate your GP32 180 degrees.
Lef and right channel should now be correct with AND without headphones. Is it magic? ;)
my headphone socket doesnt even work properly- when i listen only one channel comes out, then sometimes another on crackles in.thats a fault right? you hear me complainin?
ok, I know I am late typing in my thoughts to this older post, but I have to say....I may be the only Gp owner to have there GP32 speakers working correctly. I play movies all the time....and the orientation of the speakers is fine. left is left, and right is right.
All these problems with speaker orientation and stuff, I have yet to see....AND I ve had this Gp32 for 6 months already.
TJFBryant posted on May 28 2003 said:
ok, I know I am late typing in my thoughts to this older post, but I have to say....I may be the only Gp owner to have there GP32 speakers working correctly. I play movies all the time....and the orientation of the speakers is fine. left is left, and right is right.
All these problems with speaker orientation and stuff, I have yet to see....AND I ve had this Gp32 for 6 months already.
If you're right then maybe I wasn't that far off when I thought it might be due to some parts differences (the headphone socket having different pinouts depending on part/model/manufacturer). At least that would explain why nobody noticed it during development. And it would explain why yours is working correctly, they simply used a different part. Just wild speculation, maybe they really simply f***ed up :huh:

I already made the small rewiring, so mine is correct now. Now I only need to fill the empty space in the case above the batteries with a subwoofer for some better sound :D
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WOW there everybody, you missunderstood what I said.

Thru both the speakers, and headphones, the left & right sound constantly swaps over.

In the test mode, if I press the L button, the sound will come out the right hand speaker.
Press L again, and now it comes out the left hand speaker.
Press L yet again, and now it comes out of BOTH speakers.
This happens randomly of course, every time you press L it "randomly" chooses which speaker/headphone to play out of!!!!!!

It changes every time you press L or R, and is both with the speakers or headphones, so turning headphones around will not help!

Yes, I've tried 3 sets of headphones, and all are the same.
As others have said, its not a huge problem, specially when using the speakers, just annoying more than anything.