This maybe a far fetch wish but


Still Fresh
Mar 14, 2003
IBM puts out micro hard drives for devices. maybe there would be a way. but dose seem far fetch
No, those are CF, not SMC.

It could be possible to use an external USB drive, if it had it's own power.

IIRC, the GP23 has both USB slave and (unpowered) master.

Drivers would be an issue, and the BIOS would have to be changed.
One cool thing iv'e seen is a USB mouse with 64MB of memory built in. That would be very handy to write a driver for. Of course you'd need some sort of port connector, as it uses a full size USB connector. +computer emulators would have to support it.
If you couldn't just use a USB hub, could maybe butcher a cheap unpowered one and just cross the wires over to give a direct link, it would just be acting like a bridge rather than a hub

It would be clumsy but it would get the job done, and would mean you could connect any full-size USB device that there was a driver for
Ive seen this portable hard drive out on the market that has a SMC (and other media) input, and it has a button so you can copy everything from the SMC to the hard drive. If there was a version of that that would let you copy back and forth, and had a built in menu for that, it would be great.
I had a microdrive at one time, and it was a pain in the ass - sooooo unreliable. I went through two and then gave up cos I kept losing photos (used in a diggital camera)...

SMCs seem much more reliable.