I somehow already knew about that, a lot of years ago I used a katakana translation table to help me play all the Dragonball RPG games from NES to SNES... I was lucky that most of the story was related to the comic book, but some parts were really tricky to understand
There was in particular one of the games where I was flying without directions in the map and I didn't know what to do, but some people scattered around were telling phrases really similar to each other, except for some different or repeated phonograms... I wasn't able at the time to find a translation for many of those words, but at some point one of them turned out to be "North", and the repeated one was "More"... so some of them were telling "More North" or "More More North", so after getting that I was able to identify what where the directional words in the phrases of the other people, and the "Less" word, and I was able to find the spot in the map where the game was meant to continue... it was epic !!