The Xcl4m4t10n stupid questions thread!


Advanced Member
Dec 18, 2009
As a new owner of a Pandora, I have a bunch of questions. I know some of them were asked but there is so much information on the boards / internet that is sometimes confusing.

So first question:

- I want to reset factory my Pandora but I saw you have to reflash it. I have find several threads about this but the link is always dead (it redirect to Can you please explain me how to proceed with this?
pnd_run is not the normal way to run pnds, fwiw. PNDs can contain multiple targets, and by default pnd_run will only run the first one - I don't know if this is the problem you're having with yabuase (I'm not familiar with it), but it's an issue with e.g. mupen64 IIRC. You can add arguments to the pnd_run command to run additional targets, but the recommended way to run anything is that it should have added the pnd targets to your xfce menu, if you put the pnd in the right place.

The right place is defined by the pandora folder format, which consists of a folder called 'pandora' which you should put in the root of your SD card, then inside that a number of folders; off the top of my head, 'apps', 'menu', 'mmenu', 'desktop', and probably a couple of others I've forgotten. If you're not using minimenu, ignore 'mmenu', if you are using it, ignore 'menu'. To make the pnd targets appear in your xfce menu, put then in /pandora/menu on the SD card.

If that still doesn't work, look in /tmp/pndrun_yabuase.out (or something named along those lines), and that will be the syserr log from the last run.

Edit: Also, you shouldn't need to sudo your pndrun commands; pndrun should run in user mode just fine AFAIK.
^^ I'm working on an update of DBGL.

Anyway, you need to copy/paste the log of the pnrun.
for dbgl it will be is /tmp/pndrun_dbgl.out
DBGL has a Java based launcher that has online features that can download profiles for most games.
New question: Is there a way to have Wi-fi always on after the reboots/shutdown? I use it the 90% of times that I use the Pandora so it is more comfortable to me turn it off rather than turn it on everytime.
yeah there should be something in the start up settings.