The "stuff-i-like" Tread!


Still Fresh
Jan 18, 2004
ok, to counter the "stuff i hate" tread, here comes my "stuff i like" thread!

Nice and cozy bars with large , soft sofas to chill in and drink great cocktails and listen to good music and talk with friends!

Great cocktails!

Listening to ambient and electronica after having to little sleep/recovering from last nites binge drinking :)

Having a really good relaxing shit :)

Beatifull, yet friendly and open minded women!

Good music(ebm,industrial,electronica,ambient,punk,ska,black/gothic metal...)

Black humour! (like in "dogma")

open source and freeware!

k thats all i can think of for now!

how bout u guys (and girls) ?
mf doom
waking up after a night drinking and doing massive farts
the sun
not wearing a tshirt
girls with reasonable sized breasts and above
playing football in the morning after drinking
bo selecta
the holidays
rain on a sunday
jeff banks boxers
terminator 2
  • Beer
  • Wine
  • Alcopops
  • All other alcohol I forgot
  • Cola
  • Grape Juice
  • Strawberries
  • Girls
  • Games
  • Computers
  • Clubs
  • Pubs
  • Bars
  • The Pixies
  • The Matrix (the first)
  • Anime
  • Manga
  • Pr0n
  • My gp32
  • gp32x
That all for now :)
Things I like (at the moment)

- I'm with Busey (Bravo TV show, amazing)
- Monkey Dust (BBC3)
- 1664 (Beer)
- 1845 (Beer)
- Slip n Slides
- Retro Supersoakers
- Boxes
- KanYe West
- Twista
- Wind
- Hammocks
Music (queen, zeppelin and a hell of alot more)
Playing football with my top off
Girls who arnt stuck up
Drinking in the sun with friends
and some other stuff........
Daz_Genetic posted on May 21 2004 at 04:20 PM said:
Browsing the internet when you've got a bit of cash burning a hole in your pocket. :)
lucky bitch
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  • Tits
  • The rest of nice women.
  • Booze
  • Good music
  • Good Films
  • Good games
  • Holiday romances :D
  • Waking up after a raging drunken night out with absolutely zero hangover.
  • Money with nothing sensible needed to spend it on.
  • Billions of other things
listening to good music
jamin with the band
jamming by myself
hangin with my m8s
my gp32
Stina (a gal i know)
adult animation (south park and the like)
the work of Quentin Tarintino
other good fimls
those "special" ciggys
Geting bolloxed in clubs and going on mad escapes..
Getting shitfaced on holiday......and going on mad escapdes...
Comedies that make me LOL
The internet.. what a fantastic time waster
Pub garden + hot summer day + beer = bliss!
Hearing a fantastic tune that sends a shiver down my spine
Women in knee high boots....raaarrrr :P
Women who swal....... ermm *cough* better stop there before i get carried away ;)
Im With Busey - truly a great Tv show "today were going to eat this road kill"
My gp32_console
my Cube
my PC
The crazy ass chick in my college class who keeps pinching my ass
Girls who are down to earth and are smart enough to hold an intellectual conversation
Girls who like me for i am and not for my ..... GP32
gamer chicks
( even i can see where this list is going )
Chicks who enjoy having a "sex buddy"
lots of RPG's
Final Fantasy 1-11 including X-2 and the tactics games
The Offspring
Yako Mani - Ashburn ( amazing j-pop track )
Hikaru Utada ( J-pop artist and shes pretty )
thats all for now folks
oh yeah i like looney toons ;)
Sunny days.
Women (nice ones).
Having a shower.
The feeling after a shower.
The cool side of the pillow half way through the night.
A pint of cider and black.
Sonic the hedgehog in any form.
The sunny bits in Far Cry.
The satisfaction provided by Metal Slug, through beautifully crafted animation and second to none collision detection.
Friends without problems.
Ally Mcbeal.
MSN messenger.
The sea.
Taking photographs.
Feeling part of something (or someone :rolleyes: )
The North East of England.
Flared jeans.

More soon, just need to think.
What I like:

My girlfriend
my friends (most of em are female ;))
my iPod
RPGs :) (Action and Turn-based, no Strategy or MMORPG)
my work :)
helping people
Latte Macchiato (need at least one a day :))
old computers and consoles
reading fantasy books
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EvilDragon posted on May 21 2004 at 11:39 PM said:
Latte Macchiato (need at least one a day :))
I know what a latte is, and what a macchiato is... but what the hell's a latte macchiato? :blink:
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Dozer posted on May 22 2004 at 10:51 AM said:
EvilDragon posted on May 21 2004 at 11:39 PM said:
Latte Macchiato (need at least one a day :))
I know what a latte is, and what a macchiato is... but what the hell's a latte macchiato? :blink:
It's some kind of coffee with more milk in it than coffee...



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