I'm guessing that this is the procedure to fix a broken system, because I don't want to go over it everytime I want to install a package.Here you go :
And before you say:
I can tell that this system only works online.But you can install online to get things "for free"
I took a bit of time to reply because I wanted to confirm my concerns of your solution. So here it goes:1*) On the offline PC:
sudo apt-offline set libabc-offline.sig --install-packages libabc
2*) On the online PC: (there is a windows binary available too)
sudo apt-offline get libabc-offline.sig --no-checksum --bundle
3*) On the offline PC:
sudo apt-offline install /media/USB/
Also work with update/upgrade and such...
Your system maintains a local copy of the list of packages that exist in the remote server. That's how apt-offline work. When you generate the "offline list", you generate direct references to packages and versions. e.g.:
So, the offline system may be old and the mentioned version may not even exist on the remote server anymore.
Current PND system works and you're trying to replace it with something that will work only for most of cases, but will fail badly on the remaining.
My standard is higher than what I'm proposing. Let's focus on what is good for everyone first and then I can provide some patches that will probably benefit only me and one or two users later.With all your arrogance, what system do you offer that work up to *your* standard ? If this doesnt fit