The "settings" Menu...


Still Fresh
Oct 30, 2009
OK, so I'm wondering about the SETTINGS menu on the Wiz, and I haven't seen this topic covered in either the manual, or any FAQ. It's not even on the wiki. The question? What does everything on the SETTINGS menu do?

Auto Run: :blink: I can't tell what it's doing. Any clues?

Brightness: Obvious. And I think anything more than "Less Medium" is too bright!

Screen Off Time:
Again, pretty obvious, though I wish I could set it higher than 60 seconds.

Keytone Volume: Yep. Obvious. (Someone tell Craigix about this feature! :P )

USB Host: Mine's set to "Off" but it still prompts for sync when I connect via USB while the unit is on. So what does this do?

Information: Obvious. Firmware info, etc.

Clock: <_<

T-Mode: I'm not sure why they couldn't write out "Test Mode" since "Screen Off Time" has more characters than that, but still, this is obvious.

Touch Panel: By which they mean "Touch Panel Calibration", and yeah, kind of obvious.

So really, I'm puzzled by two features. USB Host, and Auto Run. Anyone mess with these? Figure them out? I don't see what's being affected by these settings, but then, I don't want to keep switching them on and off and trying different things... Not when I can ask someone who has already done it!
Usb host is for connect USB devices (keyboard, pendrive, mouse, ...) to the Wiz EXT port.
Autorun is for execute an external menu in SD at boot (like Gmenu).

Settings are explained in Wiz user's manual, page 40.
(in the Wiz companion CD)
Hardyx said:
Usb host is for connect USB devices (keyboard, pendrive, mouse, ...) to the Wiz EXT port.
Autorun is for execute an external menu in SD at boot (like Gmenu).

Settings are explained in Wiz user's manual, page 40.
(in the Wiz companion CD)

Where is the Wiz EXT port? Can I connect usb devices now, or does that require a future accessory?
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Hardyx said:
Usb host is for connect USB devices (keyboard, pendrive, mouse, ...) to the Wiz EXT port.
Autorun is for execute an external menu in SD at boot (like Gmenu).

Settings are explained in Wiz user's manual, page 40.
(in the Wiz companion CD)

All it mentions in the manual is the USB Host ability to transfer files. It doesn't say anything about devices. And the tiny section on Auto Run is in broken English, so I really didn't get what it meant.

So you're saying it's what we use if we want to use a different menu instead of the built-in native menu? Cool. Although the comments at the Wiz archive say that the latest firmware broke Gmenu!

@chickendung: The EXT port is the one on the bottom, where you connect your USB charger cable.
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You need another cable which has female USB. It doesn't use the same pins on the connector as the cable with the male usb, so don't try and use an adaptor with it.

I don't think such a cable exists yet to buy, but people have created there own, and some people have even modded GP2X BoBs into Wiz BoBs
ZeroCorpse said:
..the tiny section on Auto Run is in broken English, so I really didn't get what it meant.

So you're saying it's what we use if we want to use a different menu instead of the built-in native menu? Cool. Although the comments at the Wiz archive say that the latest firmware broke Gmenu!

The autorun is not only for different menus it's for any Wiz application. Suppose you use PicoDrive 90% of the time, you can create an autorun file and place it on your SD card so everytime you start your Wiz PicoDrive automatically starts right up.
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chickendung said:
So, how do I connect a usb device if the cable that connects to the EXT only has a male usb? Is there an adapter somewhere?
Check this post, to see some tests with USB devices and Wiz.

Here is the first homebrew cradle for Wiz.
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